Dont want to miss latest entries at when you are away from computer. Here is a solution for that. It is Yes you can create your own RSS feeds to websites without feed. Not aware about RSS. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) collects latest news & happenings and store it to your inbox. To read this feeds you must have RSS Reader. There are lots of RSS Readers freely available. E.g., . Opera web browser has inbuilt RSS Reader. For more details read my review in Opera Web Browser. I have created feed for for cell phone category. It works fine with, but Opera is failing to show all new entries. Here is a feed for cell phone category of Copy & paste above link to your RSS Reader and you will be able to see the latest entries in cell phone category. So you can create feed for your favorite category. I have tried to create a feed for homepage itself but it doesn’t work fine. If you can mange to does that forward me the link? Any query, you can contact me.