One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them,
One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
Okay, what can I say about this book. Its not as interesting as I thought it would be.The book starts off boring and it only gets interesting from where the four hobbits met Aragorn. That is very far down in the book as well. Well, lets take a look at some of our characters.
BILBO BAGGINS- The ring Bilbo possesses is none other than the One ring, the most powerful ring in Middle Earth, the One ring forged by the Dark Lord Sauron in the Cracks of Doom.Bilbo lives in the peaceful, happy Shire, where no one troubles. If the Shire were to be destroyed, the whole of Middle Earth would be sorely grieved. Bilbo has a long life, a very long one but he doesnt think it has anything to do with the ring.
FRODO BAGGINS- Frodo, young Frodo, Bilbos heir and best friend. Frodo inherits everything from Bilbo, including the One ring. ( T o learn more about Frodo, youll have to check my previous review on The Two Towers.)
SAMWISE GAMGEE- Frodos faithful companion and friend. He accompanies Frodo into Mordor and he sticks to Frodo from the very beginning to the end. A faithful friend. Check out my review on the Two Towers to learn more about Sam.
GANDALF THE GREY- A friend of Bilbo and Frodo, he comes and goes quietly as he will. A member of the White Council and a trusted friend of Sarumans. Gandalf the Grey fell into shadow while on the perilous journey ( Check out my review on the Two Towers for more info on Gandalf).
MERIADOC BRANDYBUCK- Fondly called Merry by his friends, he accompaned Frodo on his hopeless journey. Merry is a Brandybuck of Buckland and he rode to fame and glory on the fields of Pellenor in the third book.
PEREGRIN TOOK- Called Pippin by his friends and relatives. He is a Took from...Tuckborough.He too accompanied Frodo on the journey and he also entered the Black Land with the armies of Gondor.He earned his glory by saving Beregond of the Guard of Minas Tirith.
BOROMIR- Boromir a valiant man from Minas Tirith. He joined the Company at Rivendell. No the Company was appointed at Rivendell and he was chosen to go as well.He died defending Merry and Pippin.He tried to take the Ring from Frodo.Nevertheless, he was very brave, a prnce of his City and the heir to the Steward of his City.
ARAGORN- I dont know why I put Aragorn last anyway. Aragorn is a Captain of the Rangers of the North.He is the son of Arathorn and the Heir of Isildur and the Bearer of the Sword Broken in Battle, Isildurs own sword that cut the ring from the Enemyy finger.
Those are our main characters for this story. Lets take a look at the story itself.
Bilbo leaves the Shire for good, and Frodo inherits everything including the One ring. Now with the help of Gandalf, he and his companions, Samwise ( Sam), Merry and Pippin flee the peril. Gandalf doesnt go with them but promises to meet them at Bree. When the hobbits arrive at Bree, Gandalf is not there but they meet his friend ARAGORN. Now this is where it gets interesting. Aragorn takes them on pathways that is hardly ever used.
With his help they make it to Weathertop. On this hill, Black Riders, the Nine faithful Riders of the Dark Lord assemble on the Road below. They come out at night and Frodo is smitten by the Lord of th Nine himself.Now he is in pain. Aragorn leads the hobbits to Rivendell. There Frodo is cured and the Nine Companions are chosen and Aragorns sword is refoged and given a new name, Anduril.
Gandalf the Grey, yes Gandalf. He met them there at Rivendell. Gandalf, Boromir of Minas Tirith, Aragorn of the Rangers, Legolas Greenleaf, an elf from Mirkwood, Gimli son of Gloin, a dwarf from the mountains, Merry, Pippn, Samwise and Frodo as the Ring- bearer. The Nine Companions, to help the Ring bearer find a way into Mordor or perish in the seeking. But as we will see the Company was broken.
Now Gandalf is the leader of the Company. In the Mines of Moria he fell into shadow and was thought dead by everyone. Aragorn leads the Company to Lothlorien, where they meet the Lord and Lady, Celeborn and Galadriel. Galadriel possesses one of the three elven rings, Nenya, the ring wrought of mithril.They spend a few days there. At their parting, Galadriel gives the Company gifts.Frodo gets a phial with some of the light of the elven star, Earendil and Aragorn, a sheath for his sword Anduril.
The Company take to river Anduin in boats furnished by the elves.
They are also clothed in grey by the elves and the elves provided them with lembas, a wafer that keeps them up and gives them strength. Over the falls of Rauros, Boromir tries to steal the Ring and meets his downfall.
The Company is sundered and Frodo and sam continue their journey down the River to Mordor. Great story. I say this again, J.R. Tolkien had to have a very wild imagination to come up with something like this.