Femina, I dont remember when exactly I started reading it but I surely must have been above 13-14 years.
What attracted me towards tha magazine then was the name. And then of course the front cover, the paper quality and then slowly the content.
I had chanced to read Womens Era before and was not satisfied with it. I didnt like the stories even one bit and the only readables (that too sometimes) were recipes.
Femina has gained mileage here. Here are the following points I do like (and sometimes dislike) about the magazine.
1: The cover story: Very good ones and well elaborated.
2: Cuisine: Some really good ones. leading the gourmand to contention.
3: Advice columns: The legal and health columns are usually my favourites. The Agony aunt columns sometimes do not justify the solutions suggested.
4:Fashion: It pleases my eye to see the ramp models posing in latest stuff. Although I do grant that many a times the depicted designs are either too high on my pocket or just not wearable in public.
5: Self Help Quizzes: Righto, I do like to evaluate myself with this quizzes.
6: Advice oriented articles: These are another great help. Articles on how to dress up for an interview or the first day at office, about how to cope up with stress and many more.
7: Reviews: and then there are those writings about the movies or happenings. I do not vouch for the grape vine happenings much nor do I relish the sashaying of the rich and the famous. But it surely does make a good read.
8: Fiction and Non Fiction: Good stories ( and good gifts for good stories) . Non Fiction stuff like My Story where many a women write a mini biography of their lives;Soap Box :- where u speak your heart out on a certain point.
9: Innerspace: Great Ideas for decorating your homes. Although I often find many ideas a bit heavy on my pockets.
10: Beauty: Good tips are provided. Many products are reviewed appropriately. There is also an advice column to answer queries
11: Health: Informative writeups on health, diet, food exercises are a must read.
12:Males Speak: This is an interesting read as this column prints the scribblings of the masculine gender.
All in All this a fairly good womans magazine. Pretty futuristic, interesting and most importantly just right for the woman of the future.