“Happiness is a result of living in Integrity and Authenticity - integrating Mind, Body and Spirit.”
My first crush with feng-shui has started 6 years before, when my brother gifted me a Traditional Pagoda Wind Chime(from Nepal).Since then I have been attracted to the art of feng-shui and I am an avid reader of the columns on feng-shui in different magazines and newspapers.
You will be amazed to know that this art is not unknown to the world before….as clues to the prehistoric sciences drawn from various streams suchas archaeology, astronomy, geology ect confirm that traditional sacred places were centers of “natural magic”, used by those who possessed knowledge of the earths vital energies.
The word feng-shui in chinese literally means “Wind And Water”.
Today, the art of Feng-Shui(over 5, 000years old) used to enhance the well-being, quality of life and complete harmony with natural order, is gaining popularity in west.In India, this art is called as “Vaastu”. Both, in contemporary times are used to establish synchronous relationship between one’s self and one’s environment(physical and emotional).
It’s fascinating as Feng-Shui use Prayer-Wheels for healing diseases like-Cancer, Blood-pressure ect.
Now let’s take a brief look on it’s various aspects:
· The Five Elements Of Feng-Shui are wood, earth, water, metaland fire
· The Creative And Destructive Cycles: the former involves one element creating another element.The latter is different as because one element can overpower another one like-Water will douse fire.
· All Things that happens in life can be divided into 9 life-situations and these can be mapped at your home, and each called a “GUA”.Putting all GUAS together in a certain order is called “BAGUA”.
· There are two forces in Feng-Shui-SHA(hard energy)and CHI(soft energy).
· LISTEN:Tap your intution…… as many aspects of Feng-Shui are based on intution(sixth sense)and meditation.Say to yourself “I know I can feel better about myself”.Create the life you really want to live.
· AWARENESS:Know your truth….about pain, fear, passion or happiness!
· TRANSITION:Transformed yourself according to your environment and own needs.
· RE-ALIGNMENT:Feel new energy and change in your life.
· HOME SCENTS: A home-scent can also influence the pleasantness and mood of the family-members and visitors.There are many products in a market to keep your home smelling pleasant like-Air-Fresheners(solid & spray form)that comes in aroma of floral blends(rose, jasmine, sandalwood) and pines, citrus or mint aroma is used to create cheerful and clean environment.
· CANDLES:Iam very fond of them as they not only smells good but also create visual glow and appeal of the room….and they comes in many wonderful scent-flavours.You can also try Potpourri burners, which heat a small pot of water and dried materials to scent the room.
· WIND CHIMES:Soothing and Gentle melody helps in relaxation after day long work.Like, traditional pagoda chime is said to attract prosperity from the 5 cardinal directions(N, S, E, W, Central).Place it on the West for Happiness.Hang one of these where you suspect CHI may be flowing too fast.
· BUDDHAS:It is Known as Wealth-Enhancer.I have placed a Crystal Buddha in my room as it brings fortune/blessings.Laughing(Matrieya)Buddha brings wealth and Laughing Buddha(Rosewood) standing with gold in one hand and a fan in another is always seen as the symbol of happiness and happy events/news.
· Good-luck coins
· DRAGON:brings fame, ambition and fortune.
· Aromatherapy Objects
· Power Braclets
· Crystals
· Feng-Shui Basic Cure kit
One should have clear understanding of feng-shui concepts to explore this ancient chinese art to brings prosperity, happiness and abundance.
Books on Feng-Shui that I have read are:
Fengshui for dummies by D.D Kennedy
Ilustrated Encyclopedia Of Feng-Shui By Lillian too
That’s all folks!