Firstly know my stats...6 feet 3"(trust me it makes a huge difference), as every1 else whoz looking for the first car , I started with theIndica (diesel) , Xeta , alto , wagon R .. all small cars, then I didthis little extra browsing on the net .. {off sub :-i love to racebikes and I did take part in the Speed drag race in bangalore (once ..and lost..)} so slowly my attn diverted to the fastest small car onInidan roads.. and guess what?!! it was the Palio GTX!! remember..inever had a Fiat in Mind. always thought it would be expensive and unaffordable( which it still is!) So thought I would feel the car.. sincei didnt know driving I took one of my geeky friend along to drive myBoss car..( he has one!) Trust me every time I remember the drive I getsooo excited!! he just put the car on this wide and good ring road inbangalore.. things started zipping past us.. a cop looked at us.. thepeople were looking at us.. I was wondering.. just then my friend askedme to look at the speedo meter.. MUM was the word!! I stoppedbreathing.. he was driving at 150!! he just took his hands of steeringand said look! so stable.. by this time I had my stomach in my mouth.
Now what has this got to do with my car? .. right question... wellsimple answer is.. Pure pleasure of a one time ride on a GTX believeme. you will want one too. So there I was impressed with the GTX wentto a showroom wanting to buy one.. Now.. did I mention that any firstcar you have to take ur family along?.. what would u tell em? the cardoes 160 tops?!! theyll kill me so that day I took them along showedthem "Their" liked cars.. the swift, the aveo, and the SANTRO (YUCK)! iknow they are miles apart but try convincing my mom that thing..finallyi took them to this showroom to show them the GTX , but they didnt haveone. insted they showed me the adventure, every one liked it espicallymy sister. (who dosent want a CRV lookin kinds car?) so every1 okyedthe Adventure. thatz it.. thatz how I got my car. not on handeling, notprice but pure impulse.
now its been 3 months, ill tell you what it means to me now..
Point no 1 .I failed to get a licence on a Maruti 800 (driving schools) I took my car and got it just as I reversed! let alone the inspector admiring the woofer of my car ,
Point no 2 . I moved to a new house just now. guess what I moved the finiture in?
Point no 3. The same friend who drove the car didnt drive it tillthe running in period was over.. but when he did we just didnt feel wewere in bangalore reason.. we had no traffic next to us /behind us.yeah we had to stop at the see people.
Point no 4. the interiors look bad
Point no 4. The shell owner(petrol bunk) knows my vehicle milagebetter, I bet in 1 more month hell start buying extra stock for me.The milage is around 10-11 Kmpl. but thatz for normal driving which thecar is NOT ment for!.
Point 5 . Trust me behind the wheel I feel like a macho Hunk..0-60 less than 5 secs , I just pick the subject and put them behind. inever felt that the car was a station wagon never felt the lengthexcept while trying to take a u turn in a narrow lane.
Point 6. well one day I fit 7 people in my car comfortably.. notas per the sumo or scorpio specs.. seriously every1 fits justperfectly.
Point 7. I am just abt to take it for a long drive. will tell youabt it. I havent been able to stretch its legs.. ive just done 130 ..i want to take the beast to its natural habitat and see what it does.
Point 8. Pure essence of customer satisfaction, had a puncture onmy pirellis tubeless.. got it fixed and then to realise that they havegiven me a full fledged puncture seal kit, in a seperate bag saying fiatpuncture kit!.
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