Have just bought my dream car punto dynamic 1.2 petrol(white) on 23/9/10(itz gonna be 3 months now) and am loving every bit of d feeling that am gettingwhat make me concern is an average factor!-it just doesnt give me more then 9.5=and in all these reviews am reading what people are claimingthat is 14-15kms in city that they r getting!=am really a Conscientious driver and my speed limit doesnt exceed more then 60 and inspite of that am getting such low average!-though I wasnt expecting much but atleast expected 12-13!
besides this issue an excellent car 2 drool over!-big, strong and beautiful!-an eye catcher and the head turner!=thus have named it Guzzler since it guzzle down petrol like a greedy dog!
my experience with d dealers was very pathetic, very very lousy!-got my car incomplete with no dust cover(body cover), no mud flaps and no seat covers!was told 2 come in a day or 2 time and get it fitted=but a month passed when they fulfilled their commitments(now seat covers are still left and itzz gonna be 3 months now on 23rd nov.!)
as 4 Reliability===am really not sure on this factor!-can only comment after a year long driving span!
if u wanna space, comfort, looks, style===then Punto is 4 u like itzz 4 me and 4 these qualities can compromise on the average factor!
but if u want average!=then punto and polo are not meant 4 u since they are high powered cars and heavy bodied unlike any product from marutis clan!
so am highly satisfied and very very happy with my Guzzler!