When the word fiat comes int he ones mind , the one word that coined first is Italian looks . as fiat cars know for their build up quality and Italian styling that no manufacturer offers. as in the next 3 to 5 days my relatives are going to take their fiat punto dynamic or emotion variant which are middle and top most variant of this car. by its previous model year this 2012 offers more valuable things in the good price , and as I already have one fiat car that is fiat padmini the car has the solid build up quality that no maruti or Hyundai or Honda ever offer , even in the technology they may be rich but in the build up quality they will be poor, lets move on if we talk about fiat punto the one think I like most is the abs which they offer in any variant across it and center locking . as we are going to buy out petrol version dynamic or top end and it precisely rules out tata cars by the huge amount that is still worth to buy and spend every penny in the buying a car like this ,