We were so excited about the Linea with its nice looks, good pricing and rear AC blowers that we were seriously let down when we took the test drive! It should get an award for biggest gap between whats on paper vs. reality...
This is NOT an ownership/comprehensive review or a long term road test in case it was not clear enough in the title!
Its purely based on back seat test drives which is what most of us have to do before we buy a car.
Ownership reviews are very useful when you have finalised your particular choice and are close to pulling the trigger to buy it.
Since we had already test driven the SX4, lets do a head to head comparision:
Round 1: Price
Linea wins this one vs SX4. Petrol is from Rs. 6.9 - 8.1 L on-road in Mumbai for Individuals. While SX4 is Rs. 8.1 - 9.9 L on-road. So thats a difference of Rs. 1-2 L which is quite big [12 - 17%]. If your budget is under Rs 8 L, Linea is the way to go - however if you can stretch it to 9 L, then SX4 is better.
Winner = Linea
Score: Linea 1 ; SX4 0
Round 2: Diesel option
Sx4 is only available in petrol. End of story...
Winner = Linea
Score: Linea2 ; SX4 0
Round 3: Rear Seat comfort
This was the big shocker - Linea has straight backs instead of more contoured like the SX4. On pot-holed roads, the SX4 has a far superior rear seat ride - no contest. Linea has no lumbar [lower back] support at the rear. Head room for someone above 6 foot is about the same in both cars.
Winner = SX4
Score: Linea2 ; SX4 1
Round 4: Rear AC
Linea has it on the top end model but SX4 does not at all which is very useful for rear passengers but Indigo XL has even better rear vents since they can also be angled sideways for more effective cooling where its needed. The Linea vents can only move up/down and only cool the middle passenger.
Unlike the XL, the fan speed on the rear blower is NOT adjustable in the Linea.
Winner = Linea
Score: Linea3 ; SX4 1
Round 5: Ground clearance
Very important during monsoon and when crossing big speed breakers [or axle breakers depending on your car]. Linea is less than SX4.
Winner = SX4
Score: Linea3 ; SX4 2
Round 6: Dealer Network
Cant beat Maruti in service or number of authorised service centres [ASC] in India. Not even Tata!
Winner = SX4
Score: Linea3 ; SX4 3
Round 7: Cost of spares / maintainence
Maruti always wins this one. Winner = SX4
Score: Linea3 ; SX4 4
Round 8: Automatic transmission option
Linea does not have it and they should as an option. Period.
Winner = SX4
Score: Linea3 ; SX4 5
Round 9: Overall Looks / Design
Suzuki cant beat the Italians for style. Ever.
Winner = Linea
Score: Linea4 ; SX4 5
Round 10: Resale Value
Again, Maruti is unbeatable. Winner = SX4
Score: Linea4 ; SX4 6
Round 11: Rear Legroom
SX4 is 10mm more than Linea though Manza is MORE than either. Winner = SX4
Score: Linea4 ; SX4 7
So we have crossed out the Linea in favour of the SX4 [for now, unless Linea launches an auto in which case Ill update this with the front seat perpective also when we redo the test drives for both]. But thats because we dont drive ourselves - else we would go for the automatic in any case. If you notice weve left performance out also since it does not play a major role in our evaluation else the SX4 would win again.
We dont allow our driver to go above 80 km/h since its simply not safe in Mumbai roads so the handling at high speed [e.g., over 100 kph] is not relevant for us [but Im not implying the SX4 is worse at high speed compusure - simply that we did not need to test that aspect of the cars].
If your budget is below Rs.7-8 L, then you have no choice but to go for the Linea.
But if you need a diesel, you actually have a choice. Remember diesel only breaks-even at over 1, 000 miles / month constant usage = 1, 600 km. If you drive less, you are actually better off with petrol on a total cost of ownership basis [TCO]. I would still go for the SX4 and add LPG or CNG in the boot to reduce fuel costs if the Linea Diesel is more expensive,
Our enthusiasm for the Linea BEFORE the test drive even had me recommendingit strongly to my parents but they needed a car that was wide enough for 3 adults at the back and ended up paying 25% more for a Corolla Altis after a test drive in the Linea however they also strongly care for resale / depreciation and that too was a major factor not just brand / reputation.
BTW, apologies for the layout of this review, its totally messed up with all the stupid ads inserted even though it looked normal while editing.
I dont own any Maruti or Suzuki stocks/bonds either...