This my very first review on FIAT LINEA...hope it can help buyers..well here we go...LINEA..a car which clicks every heart...young or old dosent matter.....A car which not luks of this generation...a car which makes u stand apart from everyone has some pros first all the ..not all.... one two or three which I found in it during testdrive....My name is Vidit a photographer(21)...lives in BHOPAL(M.P) ...i went to RMJ MOTORS...for testdrive of Fiat as I can decide b/w MARUTI SX4 DIESEL & FIAT LINEA Verna and Vento is out of my budget.....As just newly launched SX4 DIESEL having same heart of Linea bt with some minor changes in it...First Linea
LInea is a car which makes u fall in love from every I heard tht quality of inte. is not gud bt I didnt found visa versa..i lov d quality of inti....many people dun knw bt Linea is one of d bst cars in india in terms of quality...the exti. of Fiat Linea is doubled Framed ...and because of which it stands as outperfomer in terms of quality..ans safety too...well moving apart from it the drive of fiat linea is vry much satisfactory and the main pros is tht the initial pick up is nt up too the mark bt tht dosent mean the car is underpowered..nt at the thing is upto wht speed ull drive in city..not more than 40-50 and the VGT of this 1.3MJD engines starts to work after 40 u incr. speed ull feel the pleasure and power the car ....awesome..thre digit speed one can gain with no efforts ....well ...hte cars seems to be a highway car to me ...d ..are a class part from its rivalries...just one pros..and thts a lil bit lack of power up to 40...if one can bear tht much than thz is d right the Fiat is going to open thr own service centers so service backup will not be a problem...and here service is d cheapest..jus around 2500-3000 per year..with an avg. of around 18-19 in ac on....a gr8 thing I saw in Linea is all suspensions are indepent...again a distinct feature frm fiat..Many people hav a doubt in mid tht d car is of d company named they should knwtht ..under Fiat badge big companies lyk Ferrari..and alfa romeo..are d part of heres a big bingo..PRICE...i was thr to buy the Active verion of it cos me is Vidit a photographer(21)...lives in BHOPAL(M.P) ...i went to RMJ MOTORS...for testdrive of Fiat as I can decide b/w MARUTI SX4 DIESEL & FIAT LINEA Verna and Vento is out of my budget.....As just newly launched SX4 DIESEL having same heart of Linea bt with some minor changes in it...First Linea
LInea is a car which makes u fall in love from every I heard tht quality of inte. is not gud bt I didnt found visa versa..i lov d quality of inti....many people dun knw bt Linea is one of d bst cars in india in terms of quality...the exti. of Fiat Linea is doubled Framed ...and because of which it stands as outperfomer in terms of quality..ans safety too...well moving apart from it the drive of fiat linea is vry much satisfactory and the main pros is tht the initial pick up is nt up too the mark bt tht dosent mean the car is underpowered..nt at the thing is upto wht speed ull drive in city..not more than ting rs8.40 on they agreed to giv me at 7.83rs with blaupankt music it was a gr8 deal for me..well moving apart from it the 2nd option for me was SX4diesel...not much to the attitude of Maruti Champions were lyk lena ho to lo otherwise no issues...i testdrove the vehicle and founded tht with the same engine..SX4 was much much pepirer thn Linea...ok nt luks as gud as Linea bt....engine feels quick..!they were not giving me any kind of discount in it and the vehicle costing me 8.66rs for VDI kid is frm maruti issues in service back up...thr only one diff. in SX4petrol and SX4DIESEL from exti. is only and only of badge .(zxi and Vdi)..nw im confused ...should I go with heart(FIAT LINEA) or with brain(MARUTI SX4 DIESEL)...!$$VaDdY$$