Well I have driven this beauty for 3000 kms now.Let me give you a fair report on it.
After driven it for almost a month, I have noticed that the pick up and the fuel efficiency has increased a bit and it responds more quicky now. I got an average of 22Kmpl on Highways and 16.8Kmpl in city which is astonishing as far as its concerned. If you have a soft pedal foot, it will give you around 26-27 ata constant spped of 80km/hr.
The parabolic headlamps are so powerful that it leaves other cars only to stop at a distance and wait for linea to overtake first. The fog lamps are best in its class. I faced a minor issue on rattling. , The car was 10 days old, and on crossing 80km/hr , I noticed littl
View next photo | Delete Photoe rattling (vibrating) sound in the gearbox. I did not go to the service station immediately but instead waited for few more days to look for the sound, but fortunately the sound has stopped coming now. After contionous driving on 80 km/hr or more, I cannot hear anymore rattle . I felt quite relieved.
Another issue with this car is the ground clearance. Well for a diesel its quite low at 161mm. Comes a bad indian spead breaker and you experience a thud. Fiat should look into this matter and increase the ground clearance.
The featurs in this car are superb. The music system is clear and loud. If you want to play very loud music, it would be better if you could put an amplifier and woofer.
The A.C is very effective in hot conditions. But make sure you close the fresh air intake & put the a.c in recirculation mode in case you are driving in dusty conditions.
The ABS works marvellous. We had an incident where a drunk car driver came in front of our car suddenly as he was crossing the road without looking right or left. We were at 90Km/hr. I applied the brakes very closely and the ABS responded very well. The car was stopped without skidding instantly.
As far as ADMIRATION is concerned, well then this car has lot of admirers. I can see lot of head turn around on the road. Mine being a flamenco red colour. I have been approached by many people asking about the car.
I will be going for my first free service in few days. Will keep you updated on the service issues.
Till then Enjoy Linea owners and new buyers, test drive it and JUST GO FOR IT...
Any questions , feel free to ask.
Sunveer....a linea lover