Hi Guys,
I remember the days when I used to ride on my bike and overtake people for joy. Definitely I loved speed and that is why I always loved. CBZ and then Pulsar.
Today, when I am onto 4 wheelers I started of with 800 and was really happy with the effeciency and performance of that car.
One fine day my friend who was flying abroad wanted to sell his car and he already had spoken with dealers about it and was already getting offers. He just informed me about it that he is selling his car. I said ok just show me the car and I will also see if anyone is interested to buy that car. He showed me the car and it looked awesome as it was canray yellow which looks very different. I wasnt much aware of Palio by that time. I took a test drive. thats it. I paid him the token amount the next day and paid the remaining in couple of days and purchased that car. Palio S10 1.6. it was then I came know about this was a limited edition signed by Sachin.
Boy the joy I get with this car in outstanding. I have the experience - 800, Omni, Esteem, Santro, Assent & Lancer. but nothing gave me the joy that this car gives.
It gives me special joy when I am in a mood to drive faster. you cant imagine the quick pickup which makes it easy to overtake any car running in the city roads. and that too without any worry since the brakes are so powerfull that it takes down the speed immediately when the brakes are on.
My friend told me that he drove this car upto 180 km. but I am yet to experience that since I did not drive this car out of the city yet. But I touched 120 mark. I did not even realize that I was above 110. it was only when I looked at the speedo metter that showed me I was driving at that speed.
Now I care a damn about mileage. the pleasure of driving this car compensates the extra bug that we have to pay for petrol compared to other fuel efficient cars which crawls around the city roads.:)
Space is definately another plus point compared to many other similar cars.
I am waiting for an opportunity to drive this car out of city. and once I do that. I am sure I will be in a possition to actually tell the experience of driving it at 180km.
May be my post seems to be over exagratted, but just ask any of Palio S10 owners. and you will have similar reviews:)