Well I have just brought a palio stile 1.1 SLE for just RS 3.70 lakh after doing lots of research.
Before buying this car I have gone to maruti and santro showroom to check these car as these car are now ppl choice.
Everybody was suprised by my decision to buy palio as everyone was telling me to either go for santro or wagon r .
but I did some research on why ppl hesitate in buying palio as having more feature than
santro and wagonr and also price wise its far less than satro and wagon r.
Let me clarify here that PALIO STILE is a B+ SEGMENT car but satro and wagon r are B segment car the comparison of palio should be there with other B+ segment car like swift, uva, getzs.
tell me one thing.do you want to buy a car only because it is selling more or you will go
by feature.
One thing also keep in mind that FIAT follow EU safety standard which is best in world.
The reason why fiat failed earlier was becouse of service and mileage.
now as they have given the service to TATA which comes after maruti and the mileage is increased
by new engine FIRE engine.Now mileage is improved a lots around 14 in delhi city.
Name me one car in its segment which comes in TUBELESS TYRES, FOG LIGHTS, IMMOBLISER, dual tone dash board, 3 year warranty
max boot, leg space.
Lots of ppl told me not to buy this and go for either santro and wagon r but I have used my mind
and got true value for money.
I would suggest that dont go by bhayeed(sheep) chaal and use your mind while investing harden money.
If you have convinced youself for palio then go for SLE and NOT SLX as the main techinical difference between the two version is the back door power window and I would suggest you dont go for all four doors power window becoz if the car stuck and stopped then you can open the windows.so there should be two manual opening method to open the window.also the rear window of all FIAT cars opens only half and not full so dont need back power window.