I have a thing for Fiats. My 1st car ( 2nd hand ) was a Padmini, I guess you could call it a sort of a Fiat. She was upgraded and refurbished right from interior, exterior as well as Radial tyres. She could out beat ANY vehicle on the road. Not that I am a rash driver, but that was her performance rating. Never stalled or gave me any major problems. She had to GO, because she was not road worthy anymore. I have her steering wheel as a momento.
Lets talk about Petra, I chose her above ALL others for two very important reasons. She was named after someone that I dearly loved & lost(my niece).
Secondly she was THE most stunning car that I have ever seen in showrooms at home.There was NO TWO ways about having to have her. I chose BLACK and PETROL against DIESEL. The Ratings that I have given her deserve more. What makes me feel great on the road, is that you see very few of her type around, and I always get a second glance from passing vehicles or pedestrains, and also a few times questions about her performance. I always give my 5* ratings about her.
Here agian, she is swift, noiseless, and has fantastic road grip.She dosent need to be driven over 80, as that is enough to put the whole world behind her.
I wish & hope that more people go for her type.
By the way I got her from Millenium Auto in Goa a few years ago. I guess one of the 1st customers to have a PETRA, EL in GOA.
Proud to own her.
March 3rd 2007.