Bought mainly due to its look and the boot size....and it is really a driving comfort...especially at slower speeds it doesnt jerk unlike other cars means it can go in lower gears at lower speeds a very good point while drving at city roads...
The disadvantage is poor visibility at rear side due to the headrest at the back seats..which is a problem..otherwise its a 100% good car...all the fittings and gadgettries are good no complaints except the Kenwood audio system..who uses audio cassette at this time? Fiat failed in this..they should have put a Cd or MP3 player which is in vogue now... we should find out it was who made the decision and he should be given 1000 cassettes free of cost....I can sponsor that..hhha hha haa..
The review returned saying it cannot be less than 150 words...what a punishment.!
Anyway I have started using the car from 8th of this month onwards that is 8-10-2004..and to tell you the truth I am happy with it..children like it..except the audio system and haaaa..the alloy brothers sons says it is the worst they have seen..beleive me they are the best judges for the car Fiat has to ttake a note of it..right....?