This is for those of you who can afford only a bike but really need a car.
Buy a 9-10yr. Old Padmini [petrol; in running condition of course], available for
20000 bucks, spend 15-25000 for refurbishing it, -seriously; including body change & engine change-hey presto you have a good-as-new car!
This is only for those who need a car to make their lives easier but are on tight budget, and not for car freaks.
Use it for 4-5yrs.&then upgrade to a better set of wheels.
ADV-Space for a family & not a couple, v cheap spares& labour, can be repaired at any street corner, absolutely no chance of theft!, you can?t get locked out if the keys are inside[even if you do, the door can be opened with any key!]
Fit a LPG/CNG kit &forget about mileage/cost of petrol! [20000]
DISADV-You will need a good mechanic in your vicinity as you will be making trips to him for minor repairs [maybe once a month, avg bill 200-300] Think twice about going on long out-station trips.
Chew on these points & then decide. Bye.