OK. 1st things 1st. This is a spoiler review and the movie is also new. So if you havent seen it and dont want the movie to be ruined for you, please dont read my review. If you want to know the twists and turns and the ending then carry on....
Credits Roll. Internet bank robbery. A computer hacker steals 6 crore rupees from a Dons company. Now both the police and the don are after this mysterious hacker.
The movie starts of like the routine love story. Jai (Shahid) likes Neha (Kareena) but at first she does not. He almost sacrifices his life for her blah blah yawn yawn. Im not even gona bother to type that. Anyways Jai also has a friend Kim Sharma, who likes him but he does not. She then gets married to someone else. I really do not see the point of having her in the movie. The movie could have easily done without her character.
All is going well for Jai and Neha until one day Neha tries to commit suicide. Jai saves her and then Neha tells him that her father had underworld connections and she owes them 6 crores otherwise they will take her with them. Jai promises to have the money ready. But after many tries he cant gather a huge sum. He then decided he has to rob a bank. He goes to rob the bank but there sees Vikram (Fardeen Khan) taking a huge sum of 7 crore rupees from the bank. Jai follows Vikram to his house to steal the money but Vikram captures him. Jai tells Vikram why he tried to rob him. Vikram agrees to give Jai 6 crore rupees if Jai tells the police he is the computer hacker. In reality it was Vikram who was the hacker and he does not want to be jailed or captured by the don and asks Jai to take the blame in return of the 6 crore rupees. Jai agrees.
When the police are taking Jai to court, the Dons men land at the court and there is a shootout. Jai escapes to Nehas house where he sees Neha and Vikram together, wrapped in towels. He then realises he was taken for a fool. They were in this together. Jai runs away angry, frustrated to the train station where he escapes on a train. However, an officer shoots him and Jai is presumed dead.
2 months later Jai returns to exact revenge, which leads to the finale. In the end Vikram shoots Jai, and Jai has only a few moments to live. Jai finds a gun on the floor with only one bullet. He has to choose who to shoot between Vikram and Neha. He shoots Neha and dies. Vikram donates the money to charity and has to live the rest of his life on his own, lonely; dying a death everyday.
The first half was quite well handled, and the interval point was a shocker. But from there, youd think this is gona be a cat & mouse exciting game. It isnt. Its not that boring but is anything but interesting. The climax is good and the ending was also interesting. Although it could have been better handled with another twist or something.
Ken Ghosh is a good director who dares to experiment. This is what Bollywood needs more of. Experimentation. He does a pretty good job. Music is good. All the other departments are above average. Kareena gets the best role. She carries it of with good flair. She gives an extremely good performance as the cunning beauty. Fardeen Khan carries his role with slick ease. He looks comfortable in these sort of roles. Shahid Kapoor is a very good actor who can now only imrpove but the Amitabh Bachan imitation was not needed in the climax. Trust me, anyone can recognise who hes trying to imitate in the ending of the movie. The chemistry between Kareena and Shahid although short lived is quite good.