What happens when obsession takes over rational? What happens when you?re willing to risk life and limb for the one you love? What happens when the love of your life betrays you?
What happens when the director woke up and forgot to take his brain out of deep freeze? What happens then?
FIDA is an interesting combination of experimental storytelling and a walk off the edge of reality. To some extent, the storyline was interesting and new when you don?t have your usual hero and heroine but to another extent, you do wonder if the director was thinking with his knee instead.
The story opens about a computer hacker who steals money through the internet (was he using Yahoo! To do that? ? I wonder).
You have the obligatory song number to introduce your hero, Mr. Adorable boy next door, Jai who believes he?ll find his true love. He sees Neha after that and instantly falls in love with her.
(Don?t people ever stop swallowing that type of bull??)
So he goes all out to woe her having suddenly decide he?s fallen in love with her. Lover boy goes to the extent of attempting suicide in order to prove that he loves her.
Neha reciprocates his love soon after and they have another dance and song session proclaiming how crazy they are for each other. (It was starting to get a little pathetic).
That was where the twist to the movie comes. Neha needed 6 million and she needed it bad. Of course, a loan is out of order so Jai tried to rob Vikram to get the money.
Let?s explore the characters of the movie now shall we? First you have boy next door cockroach, Jai who not only dances well (credit to Shahid for that) but seems to have a resilience of the aforementioned insect. You can shoot him, throw him out of buildings, beat him up and he just won?t die.
Okay so he plays obsessive lover boy well though I thought he just looked too innocent to come across as menacing.
One things that bothers me though is how the hell did he find her name and address after meeting seeing her only twice???
Then you have Neha played by I?ve come to the end of the line with my acting talent Miss Kareena Kapoor. Never mind the fact I don?t understand why so many people want to die for her, her character had no depth to it.
Of course, there were moments in the movie where I thought she would have done good in a horror movie though what with the wild hair and smudged mascara.
(There was that particular scene where Vikram was tracing Jai?s call and suddenly she appeared behind him. Right out of The Grudge I?m telling you!)
And then you have Mr. I?m the cool villain and I love my girl so much I can?t stop bonking her Vikram.
Credits to Vikram though. For all his failings, the dude loved his woman.
Fardeen plays the character well and I think he was the only one who wasn?t overdone.
So how does Fida sums up? It?s step into new storylines but sadly it decided to take reality along for the ride leaving me feeling; Why are some people so STUPID?
Would it do you any good to watch it? It was entertainable at best. So yeah, go ahead, watch it. Just dont take it seriously, because I mean ... SERIOUSLY