Fidaa is a film that tells about The love between An american boy and a vilage girl.
In this film Varun( Varun tej) Lives in america , along with his brothers. Daily he and his big brother goes to jobs and small brother goes to school. Varun is one of top five doctoes in america.
Siddenly when all three brothers in house are chating with them varun says bro you have to marry. smal brother needs a companion with him. Then his brother raju says ok . Then varun will start seeing ?? bride in matrimony.
After that he finds a good match for his brother. after they will go to their his bride house in india to talk about their marriage. First raju will go and see his match after that he will tell that my brother will come and confirm this match.
Then varun comes to india. As he comes to india in bansuvada railwaystation Bhanu( saipallavi) Goes to station and recieve him. after they both goes to home . And He confirms the match. after that their marriage wil be completed . In marriage only hero and heroine But saiilu heros mardhal comes to india and moves close to varun. Bhanu feels that varun loving sailu and hee keeps varun away from her.After their marriage varun went off to america ?????? but bhanu remains at india only . After that Varun calls bhanu but bhanu will not lift his phone and she will not give reply to his whats app msgs.
Then bhanus sister who is wife of rajus( varuns bro) Understand that the love between byanu and varun. And she talks about their love to hers sister.
Bhanu will send his bridegrooms picture to varun . then varun immediately goes to bhanus house and talks to her father and he will marry bhanu. bhanu from her child hood he have a dream that till her death she had to stay with her dad . Vaeun understands this amd he will stay in india by building a. Multispeciality hospitl . near to their village . ??????????????????