Fidda movie is the average movie and whole credit goes to herion sai pallavi
comming to fidda story the hero lives in US and with his elder brother and one small kid, hero and his brothers are doctors in US, hero name is varun.hero says his brother to marry then they will search for matches they found one match in india, in telangana in nijamabad, so his brothes goes to india and he will see bride groom, bride groom sister is herion sai pallavi
so bride groom will be ok to bride so he calls to his brother he is hero, so he comes to village and he saws the herion and he will fall in love, these is about 30 minutes movie
At that time hero enter to village they the conversion with herion is good, he will see his family and says ok to marriage they will do marriage by vachinde song
after marriage they goes to america before this they travel to vigaz in train, In train herion miss understand hero and do Breakup with hero and hero goes to america with bride and bride groom
from here on wards the movie is very lag it feels like as we are watching like serial, the herion will not talk to hero but hero calls to herion for his love but herion wont talk
this moments are very lag ain the movie and the music is alaways repeated music
the performance of this scenes are not good and it feels as we are seeing serials
and herion comes to take care of her sister because she is pregenent, so she comes to US after comming hero takes revenge on herion these conversation are also not good
Ending is also not at all proper it finishes in 2 minute
over all movie is just average we feel bore while watching movie
In whole movie only herion performance is good and rest of all other performance is just ok
the music is also just average only 2 songs are good in movie and while in emossion scenes they kept repeated music beat
the cinematography is also average
over all movie is just average the First one hour is nice after that movie lags and feels boring while watching