This is an honest review from someone who is been working for 4 Years in this company Fidelity Gurgaon Unitech cyber park office. Total experience is of 8 Years now.
I have seen this company on all its sections functioning in gurgaon. So I will comment on each dept individually. Myself been part of I.T Technology department, I have worked in development/maintenace and support roles in this company so knows in and out. This review is completely transparent and genuine.
Major Pros: Free Cab and free food. Thats it! Might be lenient towards female employees. Used to be a good firm 5 years back
I.T Technology Dept Review:
1) Only if you join above "Tech spec/Project Lead" level i.e 10 plus years this company might be for you otherwise please go to any service based firm even if you are paid little less. The life below the 10 Years guy is a hazardous journey. The people at higher level are sitting for more than a decade, they do not have any kind of skills .be it technical/managerial. Pure office politics and not giving credits and demotivation from senior management. Knowledge sharing is not a concept here, only self learning and politics is the mantra.
2) The Support profiles in company L1/L2/L3, People in these roles are highly frustrated, There is no learning there are no knowledge sharing sessions between development and support team.The heads of two departments are often on rivalry which leads to suffering of employees only. They do not have work life balance, the shift allowance and oncall support allowance are worst than any other firm. Working in night shift entitles you to a mere 200 rs a day and being oncall for 24 hrs even on weekend from home entitles you to only 350 rs a day.
The project once developed is made live and the support team is not made aware till the release day what they are going to support in production:):).
2.1) For testing people .specially manual testing . One suggestion. Please dont join you will be like a stone dropped in a pond. Only people who just wanted to go to office without any moh.maaya you are welcome.for married girls it might be good.
3) Zero onsite opportunity, and by chance if there is any(1 week/1 month) they make you travel on sunday night .reach UK on monday mrning directly to join office then dey make you fly back on friday evening after they dont believe on spending even for 1 xtra day to employee.and per diem they give is 28 pounds. Which is lowest.
4) High disparity in salaries within peers. A mid level employee salary difference could be in 1-8 lacs, so you can imagine the disparity level as you go up.
5) Their promotion cycle is July? But the clever HR has declared minimum difference for next role change is 18 months. So that automatically comes to 2 years. And mgmt will obviously take 2 cycles as a concept to promote you so minimum 4 years of waiting for a promotion after "senior analyst programmer/senior Test analyst" which is for 5 plus years itself and ranges to 10 years.
6) Bonus potential. It is part of pkg only and based on rating it is reduced as well . So how they can call it bonus. Next is you have to wait for year end to get it, if you leave between, it is completely surrendered.
7) No HR in the company. There is high shortage of HR. There is no concept of HR meeting of whatsoever. The HR is not available in the company for anything, you dont have any HR to discuss any grieviance you have. There is just payroll department. All the HR are contractual ppl passed from colleges.they are kids just for recruitng people, even talking to them feels ashamed of urself.
8) Company itself finding difficult to cut off the extremely highly paid people working in the company since beginning. These people are stuck to company like termites they have packages equivalent to what their team is getting and are not a value to company. So company is slowly trying to get rid of them and past 5 years there has been sacking of people at higher levels quietly.
9) For business Analyst profiles people: Have seen BA here. No knowledge and menial work as no one will share any knowledge here with BA, there is no interaction.BA have cool life here if they just want to spend time its good for them here.good brand for them to associate themselves.
Operations-Back Office Department Overview:
1) It is worst for Operations / back-office department people. Long hours.Strict breaks of 60 mins, which are being checked via software which checks the login hours of employee on computer.If the time out is more than 1 hr then he is to be scolded.
2) Worst paid, over worked. Highly uneducated an unprofessional culture in Operations team. So 1 rating for that. Just for sake of getting a job and so called brand name .you can join Fidelity in operations. It is worst then call centers.