Fifa headline feature is the journey, a story about a young talent attempting to make a name in the premier league. the story of 17 year old alex hunter and his unvarnished academy product to bring young scarlet follows a conventional path. not from rags to riches but something similar. as someone who has been horrified by the marginalism of this great football institution hunters passion of the FA cup struck a chord. the journey also represents the frepperies of the modern game well- from post match interviews to dialogue responses that can affect the standing of your managers, teammates and supporters to a choice of your first sponsorship deal. if the excessive branding is bit turn off its also quite authentic. otherwise, the journey is surprisingly down to earth. the journey follows its storyline with real conviction. EA sports always develops and evloves its graphics through time which is very innovative.
the is a revolutionary and outstanding game a love it. the storyline and graphics really made it destroy its comptietion