I got to this page and wondered, why hasnt anybody reviewed this book yet? Of course, there can be only one reason - the First Rule of Fight Club. Everyones obeying it. Well, arent you all a bunch of obedient Space Monkies?
Well, Ill be sure to stick to the rules, but this book deserves a review. Sick of living on Planet Starbucks? Need a vacation from your amoral, hedged in, Ikea-inspired, six figure lifestyle? Enter Tyler Durden, a wild-eyed, insanely independent sociopath who teaches the books protagonist to let go of everything Western civilization has ever taught him about money, sex, work, the law, right and wrong, and more. Put this on your action item list: Weigh costs vs. benefits of sanity.
If youve seen the movie and want more, go for the book. The acting matches the writers voice perfectly, so youll feel at home in the transition. If you havent experienced either the book or the movie, I suggest both. Just dont tell them I sent you, because the First Rule of Fight Club is, you do not talk about Fight Club.