Filhaal Live for the moment it says.....well how true the movie makes u live every little moment with Reva and Sia the protogonists.It deals with the ups and down of friendhsip, The joys n the pains.What really touched my heart was how the film dealt with not jus the usual Yeh Dosti Hum nahin todenge n all the doston ke liye jaan bhi haazir hi
but actually dew;t on the grey feelings in a friendship, the insecurity, the jealousy.
Well how ever close we may be and howvere we may love each other.and however hard it may b for me to accept this , but there always must have been some time when we all have undergone this feelings of insecurity in our friendship It is all but Human .Well Myself n my best pal we have been together for like a long time well we too have had a hard moment or 2 when I felt disillusion well thats part n parcel of the packege which ultimately gives u a lot of happiness N satisfaction.
Reva (tabu) n Sia(sushmita) are childhood buddies.
They are literally inseperable.Reva is ur normal girl with all the Usual dreams that a girl would have -Marriage , babies a home.but Sia
is fiercely independent , a glam photographer who thinks otherwise she believes in her career more than a family .Sia is being pursued faithfully By Saahil(Palash Sen)
whi wil willing to make any amount of compromise for her.
Reva falls in love Dhruv(Sanjay Suri) n gets married to him really quickly(Thank god quite a refereshing change from all those bollywood weddings which begin from the mehendi and go on till the Bidaai making U take innumerable snax breaks in between).
After a year of waiting , Tabu is finally in the family way and the parents to b are delighted.But after a lot of planning and dreams, Reva suffers a miscarriage and she is told that she will never be able to bear a child again.this is when Sia steps in and offers to be the surrogate mother.The typical Indian household reacts with a lot of disbelief and shock but then finally recovers n accepts...
Then begins the journey of a lot of turmoil for both Reva n Sia .
Insecurity creeps in when Reva realises that though the child is hers n Dhruvs Sia gets to be pregnant and everyone including Dhruv is showering a lot of attention On Sia Reva feels left out n hurt.
How Reva comes out of her shell and how Sia copes with motherhood forms the reaming part of the soryline.
Though the story is very short n simple, the way it is dealt is exceedingly brilliant and very touching.Meghna gulzar has made a movie which I am sure is built on the emotions she has felt or seen from close quarters , nurtured by the technical brilliance of gulzar and completed with the artistry of Tabu and Sush.well what can I say abt
Tabu and Sush well noboby could have played Sia and Reva better than these two.They live up to their character so well and breathe life into every moment.
All I can Filhaal is no entertainment film, no dancey peppy numbers , no
hideous costumes no tremendously huge sets neither does it have the hard hitting ethics and morals .It is film made from the heart , with emotions which u feel, moments which take u along the tide of the film and at the end leave u with a smile on ur lips.