Hello friends, Today I am reviewing one video editing softwear which I was using from last 1 year. this is excelent softwear for beginners. if anyone dont know how to edit a video the this is best softwear for them. this softwear is absoulutly free. so this is very good for who want to use. This softwear user interface is very good you can easily found any option which you want to edit. there are many effects and intro and transitions are there in softwear for free. if you are using free version then filmora watermark will be there in video. if you dont want to show filmora water mark then you need to buy a premium package. I personaly bought a lifetime package of filmora. lifetime price is approx 5000 india rupees. it is valuable to buy a premium package. my favorite video editor is filmora. if there is any difficulty then filmora will help to solve. so service support is excellent. I am atteching picture of filmora you can go through how it is . if you like my honest review then like and follow me for more review. good bye . thank you mouthshut to give this opportunity to do review.