Finding and exploring a new unknown place can be fun.
But finding and exploring a place that never existed is an adventure - a
psychological and an emotional one.
Finding Neverland is one such adventure. Here adventure doesnt mean the literal aspects of the word adventure, but a play of emotions, a play of imaginations and the pain involved in evolution of a classic.
Peter Pan:
Everyone must have read Peter Pan or watched the movie adaptations but still for the starters, Peter Pan is a classic tale about a boy who wouldnt grow up.
To know more about Peter Pan, do read my review on the book by pasting the url below in the address bar.
Finding Neverland:
Finding Neverland is the story behind creation of the character Peter Pan and
the place where he stayed - Neverland.
The movie starts in 1903 London, as James Barrie (Johnny Depp) suffering from artistic as well as personal crisis. He stealthily watches his audiences tear his play apart. He knows as to what a blunder of a play he has recently written.
Nothing is going wonders in his married life either. He tries to find inspiration in Mary who as a wife is totally devoted to him but fails to inspire him creatively.
James with his dog once, visits a neighbourhood park. Here he meets four young
boys and their widowed mother Sylvia Llewelyn Davies (Kate Winslet). The rest of the movie traces his relationship with the Davies family and how he finds his inspirations to write a play, that changes his life for ever. I wont indulge in giving up the rest of the story. Its better watched n felt than read.
The Spirit Of Finding Neverland:
The magic of Finding Neverland lies in the James Barries encounters with each
of the characters in the movie especially the four young boys and Sylvia. And
how he interprets these characters in his play. The way he sees neverland is
absolutely spellbinding. He literally starts living in Neverland or tries to
steal away into his land of dreams.
The movie comes woven delicately in threads of fantasy and reality. Soon we find Barrie living in the environment he creates for his characters. Moreover his love for Sylvia can be simply called divine, as it never comes close to desire or any kind of expectations. Their relationship blooms into a love story that haunts the viewer as one tries to continue watching through light misty layer on eyes.
Finding Neverland is one enchanting tale about the making of another enthralling tale.
The Performances:
Johnny Depp as James Barrie fascinates in the quite n’ sensitive skin of the character. The way he plays the serious playwright who plays n’ enjoys with kids with his brains rooted deep in adulthood needs to be watched to be believed.
Kate Winslet is simply adorable in the role of Sylvia and wins in winning the sympathies of the audience.
The four young boys playing Sylvias children are no children where acting is concerned. Most important scenes in the movie involve these four boys where they never fall short in front of the likes of Johnny Depp & Kate Winslet.
Technical Wizardry:
Marc Forster dons the director’s cap with grace. He handles those delicate moments between each of the characters with honesty. No character is left sidelined or gets lost in the script.
After Everything Put Together & Monster’s Ball, Marc Forster gives a fascinating movie in form of Finding Neverland.
What Finding Neverland did to me:
Myself was left with no words but a couplet I could murmur.
Love is one thing
Desire is another
Desire is human
While Love is divine
To let go desire denies
Love has no desires to deny