Hello friends, today I have comeup with a latest review about a fraud website.
After many analysis and marketing, a conclusion came up.
Although this website appears to be based on india.There are more countries involved and you should read this information carefully and decide a hundred times before.
Although being a new website and does not make it un-trust worthy, but as with a new e-commerce website you should do some marketing before placing a order.
The website is using an anonymous service, which prevents us from identifying the website owner.
Usually scam websites use such kind of policies.
I placed a order of samsung galaxy s5 on 1st June, and the expected delivery date was 8th of June.
Now it has been 19th of june, nothing is received and do not have code option available.
The only option is pay on confirmation.
I lost my money and I dont want anyone to loose. Hope you guys follow my opinion.