Mozilla Firebird (formerly Phoenix) is the best browser I have ever used.
Its feature rich and yet its small compared to most other browsers.
the features of Firebird are
1)pop-up blocking
You can block pop-ups selectively.That is you can configure firebird to allow certain sites to open pop-ups.Firebird tells you when it has blocked a pop-up and you can unblock the site if you wat to see the pop-up.
2)Small size(windows 6.8MB and linux 9.2MB)
3)No need to install it. In windows just unzip the zip file you downloaded and double click the
mozilla firebird icon.done!
In linux just untar the tar-ball and execute the moziafirebird executable in the MozillaFirebird directory.
4)More space for web pages.Firebird allots more space to web pages than most browsers (if not all browsers)
5)Starts up fast.
6)Privacy control is good.
7)And one of the most important features-tabbed browsing.
8)browsing seems to be faster
9)intuitive interface.
On the whole Mozilla Firebird is the best browser out there.
Try it today