About First Advantage Private Limited..first of all absolute no regard for a candidate coming in for an interview. A candidate is called for an interview for a Team Lead position (not a fresher level hiring we are talking about) and after making the candidate wait for 6.5 hours (Please note the HR confirms the time and date for the interview).
The Operations Manager, who has at least prior access the profile takes the interview for barley 5 mins (and guess what the questions are tell me something about your family, tell me about yourself), and voila the interview is over. The candidate is given the feedback that sorry he is not selected because he has got too much experience.
To be honest this is not a precedent any company would like to set for itself. The culture sucks absolute no regards for a candidate coming in for an interview. I guess the parameter (in this case EXPERIENCE) to gauge whether the candidate meets the requirements for the ROLE could have been gauged through his/her profile.
Culture sucks, value system sucks...