There was a time we had Video Parlors, a Video Player used to cost US$ 1, 000/= in India, it was the beginning days of Video, now it cost us just US$ 190/= I was going to my regular swimming pool, the Video Parlor owner called me, said you can see the film free of cost if you like, I asked him why, he says the film is very good. This is how I saw RAMBO ONE, this is were RAMBO began, now RAMBO means a man of action, a man of strength. This name has become a word and quality, it all started with the film FIRST BLOOD.
Before this film I knew Stallone, I had seen Escape to Victory and Rocky, after 4 years from my first Video viewing, This film came to Theaters and rest of my friends came to know about this film and they all liked it very much. This is a film I saw sequels of and I realized sequels are boring to watch.
Director: Ted Kotcheff, Brian Dennehy (Sheriff Will Teasle) Richard Crenna (Col. Samuel Trautman ) are 2 very interesting characters in this film, infact because of these people this film went on to become very huge success. These 2 people one opposing RAMBO and one supporting RAMBO make the reputation of JOHN RAMBO in this film.
GREEN BERET, MEDEL OF HONOUR, ARREST FOR VAGRANCY, VIETNAM VETERAN all these terms I learned from First Blood, things build on you, a story builds on you, a writer builds on you, a person builds on you, so also this film build on you.
Hope town sheriff says he is the law and arrests John Rambo takes him to police station, the chiding starts, friendly tapping on the back by baton starts, finger printing starts, all this because Sheriff says we dont like people like you with your flag on the jacket in our town, people in authority behave like him with their own citizens, God takes away their power to distinguish between right and wrong. When God abandons someone they is truly lost.
Rambo breaks free in the only way he knows how, Law of the town do not know what hit them, Rambo leaves the police station and grasps a motorcycle heads for the bushes near the town. Law men still think they have power over him.
Rambo prepares himself for the jungle knife and the cold, police dogs are called, Rambo cripples the chase party and asks Will Teasle (Sheriff) to back off, otherwise he says I will give you a war you will not forget. Rambo says he is the LAW in the jungle.
Many of my friends said the town police should have given up the chase after knowing Rambo is war hero, but film goes ahead and Rambo is pushed to edge of the ravine dogs behind him and search helicopter in front of him. He jumps from the edge to solve the problem. This scene is pure magic and very beautiful to imagine, please do not try it in your backyard, you will break much more than Rambo. First Blood lets Rambo over power helicopter police party. National Guards are called into action, media is alerted and Colonel Samuel Trautman offers to diffuse Rambo and help the town law. The town law are more certain of their superior fire power than his help.
This film has evolutionary pace, it starts on foot, accelerates on motorcycle and ends on a military truck, shattering road blocks and cripple the pride of superior fire power. If you ask if this film is violent, I say easily no, there is some action but you cannot call it violence, there blood shown in the context of the story seems to be a necessity, so everything looks arty and classic. By the way this was a classic film, as it spurred the whole world to copy it and remember it a long time after the screen read THE END.
Some points I enjoyed are Colonel, stitches, the dive, Rambo beating cordoned of National Guard submerged, police arrogance, the misery of Vietnam veterans after their war, do you use your knife to hunt elephants, giving away of friends photo by Rambo to the woman is like giving up the thing which is most dear to a person because of circumstances of life.
Yo correct vision and correct actions is next to godliness.