Here we go, ahem! This guy has been insisting on a date with me from the past 3 weeks, blah-blah. It started off three weeks ago with “Navya, shall we meet up in Café’ Coffee day”. I am like, “Well, not this weekend, quite busy”. After a long-lasting bargain, we settled down on the meeting to be postponed to next weekend.
Actually, lot more to add to the conversation above, but I have no intentions to provide you all a perfect cure to INSOMNIA J.Let me be truthful, I knew through second-hand information that this guy was to ask me for a date! Well, well, what better chance to amuse myself by putting the chauvinism into test! I agree, it’s a bit cliché’, but the fun has no parallel to it:)
Here we go with the second date, a bit more of ice n’ spice to the guy! After all, it is me whom he has chosen; he will have to view all facets of dating now;).* Prankster eh?
I told him, I am fine with dating him, the actual date-date thing after a lot of beleaguers and no-no’s, his verbose skills let him win and I lose:). This time, a nastier trick struck to my head. I made him wait and then watched him wait in the café’ coffee day for me with his hand twiddling with his hair, trying to call me a zillion times, ordered 2 lathes and a colada etc. Finally, I had to buzz him to tell him, I could not go with him, when I was just standing beside the café’ where he was seated. Annoying!
Let me tell you all a big secret here, if the girl(precisely, an active girl who needs spunk in her life) is really interested in the guy, she will definitely have all these tantrums in her list! Some strange kind of fetish you see!
But, if you look at it keenly, the “yes” – “no” squabble between the guy and the girl is manipulated by the girl to such precision that, she will end up making the guy beg on his knees to ask her out for a date. It is all in the dexterity:)
But, I must tell you, I enjoyed that some one is waiting for me, dressed to the nines just to have a look at me and talk a few words with me, especially the praising parts. where in there will be adrenaline shots traveling up your headJ. Isn’t it lovely? Won’t you want to enjoy this moment till eternity?
Here comes the last time, where in, I had to meet him. Enough of juvenile games, I thought, and I went up to him, picking a conversation about some schoolwork:).Though his ego pestered him not to ask me again for a date, my attitude towards him had changed from “pranks” to “be good”, which made him ooze out of his skin and call me out again. Before even he could choose a place, I suggested, ”Café’ Coffee day”.
Though he had pungent experience in this place, he had no other option!
Girls(for your ears only):
At the initial stages of a date-date, the guys will be just “COWS”, I tell you, a cow in front of fanta! Ha ha ha! Extract, exploit, take advantage of them as much as possible J(evil grin). Let them be the swashbucklers and you be the ironic princess. Let them be the Shah Jahans and you be the mumtazes:)
*We went on to Café Coffee day, but like they say, “Good old habits die hard”, I was extremely tempted to let my hoax nature loose on him. But, some how I was able to control it, until…….
Accidentally, my hand touched his hand when I was about to pick the menu. Uh! The blush, the face going red, the twinkle in his eyes, his eyes getting locked with me, he, trying to notice me without my notice, touching the hand of his(which accidentally touched me) etc WAS QUITE EYE-CATCHY! MUSHY, ooohh… how much eva I wish, I can’t go back and feel those heart-beats-missing again:)
We talked, rather, I talked, went tete tete’ for about 2 hours. let him speak only if he had to praise me or my eyes here n there( why do I get a feeling, it was just because he had to touch me urgh!, now I wonder, did he even listen to me talking?)GUYS!
Lemme see if you all can comment on my review and complete this story J
I will re edit the review after some days:)