I was expecting a courier from these people two days back and I have still not received it. When I called them they lied to me saying that it has been sent for delivery and will be getting it within half an hour. I waited for one and a half hour and called them back and they said "sorry Madam, its still lying with us, will send it to you now itself. LIERS! I waited again and still did not receive and called them back again, and they said that the delivery boy was not able to find my location and henceforth he went back to the courier office without delivering it.
I had given my landline number as well as cell number. The boy could have called me for the location. He even told me to come and collect it. I refused to do so and told him that courier should delivered home.
And finally, after waiting for the whole day, I called them again in the evening at 7:30 p.m. I told them that I will have to take an action against them since its a very important courier and already there is a delay of 2 days. So he said that he will only come personally within in half an hour time, and deliver the courier as all the delivery boys have gone home. I waited again for 1 hour but he did not turn up.
When I called him again, he said that he has sent a delivery boy who stays near my location and will deliver it by the end of the day if possible, or tomorrow early morning even before reaching his courier office. Here also he had LIED to me saying that all the delivery boys have gone home and he will only come personally. These people are big LIARS. They give very poor service.