It came highly recommended to me and as it happens, highly recommended things get second priority. But, a casual reading through first few pages and I found myself reading the whole book. Many things which I took for very small to bother me, came as awakening calls. I dont remember last time when I sat down and thought where Im heading to. Steven made me do that. One has to be honest with self to be able to read through the book and grasp what exactly author wants. Its a great effort by Steven to put down all things which a man tends to ignore and finally either forget or skip to do. To be with your family when they look for you, to finish the given tasks in time with no false commitments and many more. For me even a pending thank you or a word of appreciation to someone is also a must-do-when-it-matter task. I wish I continue to act they way I now want to and this book keeps reminding me the same.