Yet another cheater Indian e-commerce portal! I placed an order on 4th of June 2013 for baby toys for one of my relative and wanted to present it to her on her birthday. The order number is 888394MKU602A690.
The website is so clever that they just sent a bluffing email that the product is shipped on the same day and provided with some bogus AWB number. Per their email, the estimated delivery time was 7th of June 2013. However, till date neither the product is delivered nor there is any reply what-so-ever from their customer service on repeated emails!
If I call them, all that they have to say is they are sorry and it will be delivered ASAP( but this ASAP does not have any SLA). The trick that they played is they provided some bogus shipping status as soon as the order is placed, so that people can not cancel the order.
Its so pathetic to see the scenario of Indian e-commerce portal, excepting a handful few, all have opened to loot the customers.