Hello Everyone. PLEASE DO NOT JOIN FITNESS ONE if you are a guy. Almost 2 months back I joined fitness one Sadashiv Nagar Branch (Bangalore) with a dream to improve my fitness and get a good physiq. But I dont think it is possible here. Specially when their trainer are more focused on girls.
Fitnes One Trainer hang out only with gals all the time and dont even care to check what others are doing. They would never come to you just to check how you doing. Thats really pathetic and shamefull.
If any of the gals are doing any exercise they will roam around them all the time and if you doing some exercise where you need somebodys support, they wont bother to come untill and unless you call them 2-3 times. I would suggest all the guys not to join Fitness One untill and unless you can afford a personal trainer.