Trainers are only interested in you when they want you to sign up for some promotional offer, otherwise they couldn’t care less. Also, theres constant, excessive pressure from trainers to sign up for new gym offers and products, that you don’t need. My trainer totally lost interest in me and my workout program after I told him I wasnt interested in signing up for personal training.
Most of the trainers are incompetent. They prefer to stand around in groups and chat, even when there are people right next to them who are using machines incorrectly or looking around for help. There are about 2-3 decent ones but they are always really busy!
3. AC never works! It gets really hot when the gym is busy.
Machines in bad shape. Torn seats. Display panels chipped. Constant “under maintenance” boards hanging on cardio machine esp. the cycles.
Not enough machines you always ending up queuing for the machines especially cardio. The free weights training section can only accomodate about 2- 3 people working out at the same time. And most of the time you cant find the dumbell/ weight you want because someone else is using it.
Cramped. You have to squeeze past machines apologizing to other exercisers to get from one side of the room to another.
I have an annual membership. Just waiting for it to expire. Only reason I ever go there is because I feel so guilty about spending so much on fees.
Just wanted to add.had a really bad session today.
I got a new exercise card with a whole bunch of new exercises. There were 3 trainers on the floor. Two of them refused to help. (One of them the trainer who was assigned to me when I joined the gym and who had created this wonderful new exercise card.) They werent busy.but talking to each other. I asked them each twice. My trainer just moved his arm about to demonstrate while he continued talking to the other trainer.
Finally, I asked the third trainer on the floor, who was busy helping out another gym member. Even after the third guy called out to the other two, they didnt bother to come over and help out. Finally, the third guy gave me brief demo with the weight, but couldnt stick around to watch me do the actual exercise, because his client called. The situation is really getting unbearable, whats the point of fancy exercise cards if no one will help you actually implement it. Also, its dangerous someone can get injured. Anyway, the poeple at FitnessOne Indiranagar dont seem to care as long as people keep signing up for new memberships!
Still have another 8 months to go on my membership. This is so frustrating.I really regret signing up!