I have recently joined the army of people who enter the gym with lots of expectationsabout loosing weight and toning up and leading a good and healthy life.I too saw that dream, and landed up at Fitness One, Indiranagar branch.I had done my research on VLCC and Figurine Fitness. In comparison I found that FITNESS ONE suited me best.
Reasons why I like FITNESS ONE
1) The staff from day 1 has been courteous and never crossed their limits.
2) When I explained my problems to them the physiotherapist listened with rapt attention and took deep interest in what I had to say. Keeping my inputs in mind, she formed an exercise regime for me which I could take. Even though subsequent consultations are chargeable, she was quite sweet about it and did not charge a penny. I found her to be very flexible if one needs to go back to a less taxing regime. She does not push you beyond your limits, instead lets you set them yourself after motivating you. The same I would say for the trainer whom I was allotted. He is also a gentleman in person. Talks in a very dignified way. He too gives you the timely morale booster dose and backs off to let you do things at your own pace( which I found was very important for me).I have found him to be a big help in bettering my performance at the gym. Kudos to him.
3) The dietician is also a helpful soul whom you can tap on when required. She is available all round the year for consultation free of charge. Let me tell you that she has already set a few things right in my diet already and I have reaped the benefits also.
4) As I have taken the off peak hours package from them, I find that I can go at any time between 10.30 to 5.00. That is a great boon in disguise as I have no fixed timings of work. They don’t tick you off if you don’t come at a fixed time.
5) Parking is available. This is a big hassle in the city that Bangalore has become.
6) Ample Locker space is available. One can change clothes in peace, cool off in peace, take a shower etc. All charges are included in the package.
7) The hall is spacious with lots of machines for cardio workouts, cycles, weight lifting kick boxing, yoga, floor exercises and the works.
8) The music is the same what you hear in most of the gyms. All new and old chart busters.
9) The people who come there are all serious types who want to either lose weight or
exercise to keep fit. I have not found any one, who comes there, to do time pass or do any tomfoolery. The trainers and the clients work in harmonious environs. Seeing this, one will seriously get motivated to gym and get back into shape.
10) Neat and Clean surroundings and well kept equipment.
There are not many things that I can list here. Most of the things that do matter are taken care of already. Even then a few things do nag me here and there.
1) The ACs don’t function properly. For a huge place that they have, the ACs are hardly sufficient and you end up huffing and puffing thru your workout.
2) The lift does not work most of the time and one has to climb up to 2 floors to get to the gym. The staff expects you to start the workout from the entrance of the building.
3) Too much happening in the same place. There is a shortage of space there and they need to add a few more things like sauna, steam, dance, swimming etc. to make it a really happening place.
4) Treadmills are always in demand thus there is queuing up for it most of the time.
Besides this I really did not find any thing else that I could complain about. Any other experience will certainly be added to this review at the earliest. So keep watching this space.
After going to the gym regularly for 4 months, I have made a few observations-
- The ACs are there only for show. Probably to lure new bakras. When ever it is pointed out that the ACs are not working or they are insufficient, and everyone is workingout in unhygienic conditions, they all look baffled as if they cant understand what I am talking about.
The reason for my angry vent today is that there is no window in the hall and the only source of fresh air can be an AC which never seems to work. Every one is inhaling the same dirty air that every one is exhaling out. The management staff needs 10 days even today to" look into the matter."
General maintenence of the equipment is bad. They dont bother about grunting treadmills and wobbly chairs. I guess this attitude arises from the fact that the owner of the chain sits in Chennai, so there is no one really responsible to look after the place. Although day to day running of the place is being taken care of.
They have a good team to manage the marketing of the product. Come any festival, and they are ready with new ways and ads to lure more unsuspecting people in their net.
They are really short on space and should soon move out from here.
After the experience today at Fitness one, I feel
If I have to sweat it out, not because I worked out hard but because it is hot, then I would rather join the gym in my club. The price comparison is 1:10. Thats a lot of difference.
Today is the 24th June, 2007 and my problems remain where they are.
I am very glad to know that there are more dissatisfied customers at F O other than me.
They always told me- "you are the only who keeps on cribbing, no one is unhappy here"
Since I have become irregular, I have become like a ghost for the trainers-- they actually see thru me now. In short they have lost interest. So much for giving them so much money, to keep me healthy, they see me as a ghost now!!!!!!!!!!
So I have decided to leave them and do something more healthful in that time and
hope for a better gym to open in the near by vicinity.