Movie inspired by charles dicksons The great expectation and little love story.which is directe by abhishek kapoor
Produce by abhishek kapoor, siddharth roy kapoor
Written by abhishek kapoor and supratik sen
Music by amit trivedi and komail shagun
It was romantic dama movie two characters fridaus ( katrina kaif) and noor( aditya roy kapoor) noor ahemad kashmiri boy belonging to poor background who deeply infatuated with fridaus she belong to rich family tabbu played role on a movie as fridaus mother who against the love and social devide because. He laso fal in love with some one who dump her thats why tabbu wants to fridaus marry with rich and social equal man and fridaus engaged same before that noor lived kashir and went delhi and become renowned artist and after few years later fridaus filigs about noor romantic filings then emotion drama hardship and succeeds end