The elegant green and blue pack informed me that Oats, Corn, Ragi, Rice and Wheat are the 5 grains this biscuit is made of, with honey as the natural sweetener.
The size of the biscuit was a surprise, with each tablet shaped disc slightly bigger than my palm!
I have to confess; the initial aroma of the biscuit was slightly off putting, to me, as it smelt, rather strongly like jaggery. But once I bit into it, I didn’t stop till I polished the whole biscuit off! It was crisp, scrumptious, and very filling with bits of oats and corn delightfully interrupting every bite.
A slim pack of 6 biscuits(100 g) costs Rs 18/- and is very convenient to carry to work, as the plastic tray they rest in don’t allow them to get crushed to smithereens in my cavernous handbag.
The only thing I have a tiny qualm about is the calorie count, which the pack lists as 500 k cal per 100 g. Which, after eating the biscuit, I think is a less than generous figure displayed.