Ok im a stern believer in the fact that one should never follow fashion.i have always been a rebel when fashion is concerned.blame it on my genes that ive inherited good looks and body.this is not that we are discussing are we?
ok fashion of 2003.its not changing.for girls its still the shakira type jeans and cowboy skirts.boring now because every girl has them now with broad belts.
makeup ohh still the glossy lips and kohll eyes
hair well parlour are hair ironing every single girls hair straight.we even have embroided kurtas in all colours.
now for some of my tips and you will be ahead of times.
1.knee length dresses will make a big comeback in chiffon plain colours.and put lot of diamond zari on them.it will be very difficult to find.go tospiceat juhu
2.deep colours in lipsticks are coming back.sexy red, rose pink, mauve.shop at shoppers stop.
3.and lastly soft waves in hair is coming in.even the wet scrunchy look is coming in.no more sophisticated miss doll look.go tochi-kabafor great hair
the latter year 2003 is going to be rough and wild. top brands1.samsara perfume from guerlin paris, 2.maybelline and avlon lipsticks.dresses by spice.knee lenght boots from regal store9theyre inn).lastly to be in fashion be in good health so have a good gym membership.hope this helps.and for guys check my articleguys buys
more tips to follow soo keep reading