Ah this is a great category created by Mouthshut in fact none of
the places Ive been involved (except IMDB) has a category like
this despite their mediocre advisors.
Especially because of the fact that cartoons like Video Games
are a big business for tv networks. It means big ratings and big money.
Its not fair to say here are the Five Best Cartoons there are several great rare cartoons out there that have stood the tests of time and blow away several of the new cheap cartoons in US today. My category would be the top 25 or
three separate categories of cartoons rated by genre : SciFi,
and Anime for example.
No doubt Anime has caused the biggest explosion in US Dragonballz
, Inuyasha and Vision of Escaflowne are one of the most popular Anime and Cartoons ever made. They have done financially well and they are regarded as one of the biggest imports to the US.
So without any further ado here is my list rated by millions of fans as some of the best cartoons ever made
1) Dragonballz- By Akira Toriyama. One of the all time best
cartoons detailing the battle of good vs. evil. The Anime continues the story of Dragonball. The story continues with Goku, A super Saiyan a being with tremendous powers, living with his friends : Piccolo, Kuririn, Tenchihan, Bulma, and others now battling with new threats. Frieza, Raditsu (who is actually
Gokus unknown brother), MajinBuu , Vegeta (who actually is Prince
of Saiyan) all battling for destruction of Earth and control of the universe.
Toriyama added another twist to DBZ as he did with Dragonball,
that is the presence of the 7 Dragonballs. You see whoever gets all
thee special balls is granted three wishes by the Great Dragon
The toon ran from 1989-1995 was supplement by Dragonball GT and
12 great movies all of which I have in my possession and have
written reviews for them which I plan to add to Mouthshut.
2) Inuyasha (2000-Present): Hard to imagine despite the presence
again of mediocre advisors no one from the places Ive been involved with has mentioned the greatness and success of this Anime nor reviewed any products associated with it. It is one of the most beautiful hand drawn and cell shaded Anime ever going back to the wonderful cell drawings of Macross (Robotech).
It has ran for 4 years and counting spawned 2 great movies
: Inuyasha the Love that Transcends time and Castle Beyond the Looking Glass (which I have and yes Ill submit to MS) . Finally Inuyasha has done commercial well in the gaming department and Manga (comic book) department.
Anime details the new concept of demons and good vs evil very similar
to Yuyu Hakusho (another great anime). Inuyasha is the half man- half demon, who was killed by a woman named Keiko, a great warrior who hunts demons.
In present day a sweet girl named Kagome is transported to the time
of Warriors and Demons away from her home. When the villagers
in area notice Kagome they notice she is the spitting image of Kieko
(the lady warrior who killed Inuyasha and who herself died).
Well fast forward through the first eps an Kagome unwillingly resurrects
Inuyasha to fight demons. However Inuyasha noticing how Kagome looks
like Keiko attacks her.
Eventually a partnership is filled between the two, but not before
Inuyasha tells Kagome of the special demon chards. These chards
which are spread across the lands gives demons and monsters great power.
Through the 145 spectacular episodes so far released we see the
battles Inuyasha and Kagome encounter. Inuyasha was made by Sunrise
the same great company that made Escaflowne , Big O and other
great animes. I have a friend on IMDB who is one of the top critics
on the site where you can find more info on them.
3)He-Man and Masters of the Universe (1981-1983) by Funimation
He-Man holds a very high honor. Its actually one of the best
cartoons produced in the US (one of few). 130 Wondeful Episodes
were made. It holds a high honor for several reason for example
the top notch animation, without cgi Funimanition using pain staking frame
animations and cell drawing created one of the more realistic characters around
in He-Man. The cartoon was original in form too. He-Man was actually Prince Adam of Eternia, who was of the most honorable heirs in Eternia. Hes friends are Orko, Man-At-Arms (who trains Adam in battle), Teela and Sorcerers. However He-Man is
a secret identity no one knows that Adam is He-Man except Orko,
and Man-At-Arms.
Well through the 130 episodes we see He-Mans arch emeny Skeletor,
and his minions of evil: BeastMan, Trapjaw, MerMan and others.
He-Man is a great ode to the days of Superhereos with secret
identites like Superman and Spiderman. Funimation did
something truly original and memorable with He-Man. The animation
and action still lie unmatched among any mediocre US cartoons made today.
4) Superman (1940) created by Fleitcher Brothers (David
and Max) from Universal based on the comic book by Joe Schuster. This is the first actual televised and movie release version of any comic character ever shown. Even famed comic writer wouldnt get the job done until 20 yrs later with his first
televised comic serial Mighty Thor.
The cartoons of Superman were noted for several reasons.
They were the highest budget cartoons ever to made ranging from
a 1000 to 10000 dollars each episode of the series shown
in TV and in special matinees in theather had the highest quality
ever seen from the Fleischer. Thats saying a lot because the Fleischer
brothers also put other memorable cartoons on the big screen
like Popeye and Betty Boop in the 1930s. Yes that right
the 30s and 40 some of the most turbulent decades in America
(The Great Depression, Prohibition follwed by World War II).
In fact the first Superman released in 1941 was made shortly
after Pearl Harbor. The Fleischer Brothers as you can see were
great patriots releasing Superman during these hard time. In fact
they often interwove characters like Nazis and Japanese soldiers
in Superman cartoons as a commentary on them and War itself.
Brilliant. I have a DVD with all episodes and I hope to review
all the eps on MS.
5) Yuyu Hakusho- (1994) Another of of the most memorable Anime
cartoons ever made. Spanning over 115 episodes it also was one
of the longest and highest quality running Anime at the time.
Yusuke Urameshi is a boy who dies while saving a child from a car.
He is revived back to life and granted secret powers by
Lord Koenma. Several of these powers include sniffing out demons
who are roaming the earth and bringing them to justice.
Yusuke then is a crimefighter both in demon world and human world,
he is then called The Spirit Detective. Throughout the episodes
we see some of Yusukes friends and enemies including Hie, and
Kurama. In the first episodes Yusuke is given the assignment of
bringing them in, however he learns their past and in a twist
Hie and Kurama become Yusukes friend. Then the trio along
with Kuwabara (Yusuke best friend) engage all kinds of demons
and corruption.
YuyuHakusho has gathered a world wide following and Cartoon Network
over the last year and a half finally started airing episodes of it,
thus showing US fans one of the greatest imported cartoons ever.
As you can see all these cartoons are great. They have transcended
time, they blow several mediocre cartoons of the water.
They all have gathered tremendous followings and Anime critics
have put them in top categories.
If your new to collecting great Cartoons and Anime, these
5 should get you started.