Theres this cartoon fever going around my house. OK, its still being rivalled by the korean and japanese drama fever but its definitely there.
As of today, me and my sisters watched Jungle Book, Beauty and The Beast and The King and I in a go.
Imagine that, watching three cartoons back to back. Yesterday we watched Monsters Inc and A Bugs life. The day before that Pocahontas and The little Mermaid.
Hmph... and we havent started on our collection of animel yet.. theres still Spririted Away, Graves of The fireflies, Kikis Delivery Service, Princess Mononoke, Hunter X Hunter, well, you can say our CD collection on cartoons is pretty extensive..
So the thing is, watching all these Disney cartoons you wonder if theres anything more unreal than fairy tales... I mean, EVERYTHING have to end with .. happily ever after does it?
Disney even altered the ending for the sad stories like the lil mermaid, didt she die in the original version?
Truth be told, fairy tales are not all sugar and spices, I know for a fact that in the original version of Snow White, the wicked stepmother was forced to put on hot iron shoes and danced till she died. In the goose girl, the wicked maid was stripped and put into a barrel full of nails and paraded around town..
Would that be something you want your children to grow up with?
Or how about the original version of the frog prince. The princess didnt kiss the frog.. eww gross.
You know what she did? She threw the frog against the wall and that broke the spell...imagine that...
Almost all of us were brought up with fairy tales, its so much a part of us that we kind of take it for granted. I wonder how long these stories will last? Will my kid know Cinderella? or would she know Shrek?
Dont get me wrong, I adore all these new animated movies, but I just think that good old fashion 2D cartoons are something that we shouldnt let die. Theres still something so..charming about them.
Not only that.. people seem to have tire with fairy tales. I know many people are getting more cynical with life.. I am, thats for sure. Its just, once and awile.. believeing in fairy tales wont hurt you... could it?
All that said, heres my list of my five personal favourite cartoon; the sweet old 2d kind;
1. Spirited Away
This one opened in the international screen to become a hit. I am a HUGE fan of Japanese anime so I went to watch this cartoon twice at the cinema. its about a little girl called Chihiro who stumbled into another world with her parents. Her parents were changed into pigs and Chihiro had to work in a huge bathhouse ran by a witch called Yubaba in order to save herself from being turned into a pig as well and find a way to save her parents.
2. Graves of The Firefly
Yes, its another Japanese anime. Set in war torn Japan, its about two sibling, the elder brother and his five year old sister. orphaned because of the war, they had to learn to fend for themselves. They both died in the ending though and I bawled my eyes out. It was such a sad story.
3. Cinderella
I liked this one. I though it was one of the funniest cartoons Disney had ever produce. Over the period of twenty years I have bought three copies of the story (since I keep losing it). I loved the mice - and how theyd call her Cinderrally.
(its so cute)
4. Beauty And The Beast
Another Disney production worth mentioning. I liked the way the characters in this cartoon develops. I liked the fact that theye didnt just fall in love at first sight without any logical explanation. Of course, the soundtrack of this cartoon is one of the best there is from Disney cartoon.
5. Road To El Dorado
I loved this one for the simple fact that it made me laugh. it made me laugh so hard that I had splits down my side. And Im still laughing everytime I watch it. Theres no need for complicated love stories. Disney managed a difference in this one as oppose to their usual fairytale prince princess approach. And since this one, weve seen many others like the emporers new groove though that one wasnt half as funny as the raod to el dorado.