There are a lot many songs...English I guess I will sts well as other languages that I can list here..but I guess I will stick to the top five at the moment...i mean the ones I remember at the moment....this is not in any order though
1)Nothings gonna change my love for you....................Glenn Medeiros
I guess there is no onepractically no one who havent atleast for once heard this song.... the song is so romantic and sweet that it captured my heart when I was still a girl running around in ponytails.... I was a teenager then... somewhere around 13 or 14 when I heard this song and I do remember that whenever someone told something about love was one woman in a flowing white dress running on the beach and a guy with pale grey eyes and unbuttoned white shirt singin..... nothings gonna change my love for you.....
2) Truly Madly Deeply---------------------------Savage garden
A fascinating song...passionate and full or that fire of love.
And when the stars are shining
brightly in the velvet sky,
Ill make a wish send it to heaven
Then make you want to cry
The tears of joy for all the
pleasure in the certainty
That were surrounded by the
comfort and protection of
The highest powers
In lonely hours
The tears devour you
my favourite part in the song.... but this song I cannot by any means connect to any love story or emotion in my heart...its just a good song thats it
3)Unbreak my heart-------------Toni Braxton
One beautiful song....everyone of us have felt it..that pain when you wish the other would say something ot do something that can make your heart away...we dont say it although we just wish it...endless tears and endless nights that you cannot sleep thinking about how much it hurts inside since he left..... this song gives vent to those feelings...may be just says what you want to say...really emotional and I do feel from the heart song....
4) Cant help falling in love-------------- Elvis presleyWise men say only fools rush inBut I cant help falling in love with you
one song I can relate to love...i guess you just need to gift this song to someone if you want to say I love you...with all the is sweet and direct...the songs beautifully song...i dont have to say that since it comes from Elvis........
5) Sway ------- PCDa great song and the lyrics are also great........ just go on humming