Hi, I was introduced to rock in 2002. before that I did not know the difference between different genre. but then I realised I liked rock now now but always. I like it because of guitar. to begin with I got impressed by scorpions, the gold album. then started my search for something to match their mind blowing, highly soothing, highly rhythemic, in fact out of world tunes. well, my search was short lived because I found NOTHING ELSE MATTERS by metallica. it was the bigining of a affair which will transform my life forever. the music of mettalica not only was soothing but there was more than acoustic effect. it was I dare say visual treat without a vidio. in the mean time I was getting more and more hooked to harder stuff. I heard ballads, soft rock, hard rock, gothic, trash metal, black metal, death metal, doom metal, actually any thing and everything on which I could lay my hands on. I believe best guitar is not judged by rhythem, speed, new experiment or things like that. but by the overall effect. well, till date best guitar are by following groups
METALLICA - all kinds of guitars
GUNS AND ROSES - electric guitar
NIRVANA - acoustic guitar
IRON MAIDEN - for there speed