You know, being a 14 year old (almost), I have seen most of the Hollywood children films, which ARE made for children unlike most bollywood films which lack practicality. Although some films are based on fiction, they somehow manage to intrude into your minds and you believe that it is true. Even if you dont, you think, "Do you think there can be a world like this?"
Now here are the five children entertainers:
1.Home Alone: This was probably the first Hollywood film that I watched. And believe me, I understood it (it was in English) and rolled off my seat with laughter. I saw the movie about 10 times after I saw it for the first time. Okay, the story features a boy in the lead role who is an Eight year old named Kevin. He keeps you glued to the screen (I forgot his real name). He just dilutes the performance of other actors and you develop an empathy towards him. Although, it does not mean that the other actors have given a deleterious performance. You dont have to wait for the story to be revealed, but your main interest then becomes, how will that happen. The story is somewhat like this-Kevins father has arranged for a christmas vacation for his whole family and I mean including his cousins and second cousins. Before one day of departure, Kevin fights with his real brother moreover, everyone has an animosity against him, so the result- the boy who annoys everyone is blamed by everyone and he argues with his mother adnd goes to bed. In the morning, he wakes and gets surprised and happy that his family has left him, although accidentaly. The fun becomes now. You will really enjoy how he fights the wet bandits who try to rob his house, how he shops for himself and manages the whole bungalow on his own. Really a recco for children.
Babys Day Out-It is again a child starrer film, to be more concise, an infant starrer film. It has a really cuuuuuuuuuuuute baby who is fond of the book-Babys day out and wants the maid to read it everyday. He is a rich baby and his parents set up for his photograph to come in the newspaper. They call the photographers. The theives, who plan to kidnap a rich baby, capture the photographers van, cameras and disguise themselves as photographers. They get into the house and kidnap the baby while his mother goes for changing her dress. The kidnapper sleeps while telling him the story from the same book as they bring that book too. The baby escapes and follows the footsteps of the baby mentioned in the book. The thieves yet again do not mange to catch him. The story is again foreseeable, but you get the real fun in the way the story proceeds, how the thieves face their bad luck and fail to catch the baby inspite of innumerable in vain attempts. The film compells you to watch it completely because you want more of the babys adventures. But, in the end you feel-"wish the baby continued to roam for another 2 hours". Children will cetainly like it.
Chronicles of Narnia-This is based on the book which shares the same title. This is a fractionally animated film which displays many characters of people in a single tray. The story cant be predicted easily. So, you have to keep your ears stuck to the speakers so that you hear the story and get the suspense for the upcoming scene. The actors in the lead role are 4 children- the litlle girl, who is caring and no one listens to her except her eldest bro; the medium boy, who is aggressive and wants to rule his brothers and sisters but does not get the command; the elder girl, who in company with the elder boy control each other. The story goes like this-There is a war in a country, the mother sends these 4 children to a far away place to protect them. In this so called bungalow, while playing hide and seek, the smallest girl discovers an entirely different world known as Narnia behind a wardrobe. She meets a fawn who offers her tea and also tells her taht humans are not supposed to come here as the queen or Narnia who is actually a witch, will behead them. She goes back and tells her brothers and sisters what she had seen. No one believes her and she again goes back in the night and the meddle one follows her. HE meets the queen who persuades him to bring all his brothers and sisters to Narnia and they come there but not becos of him bt of some other reason and fight the war against the queen. See the film and you will find out why I recommend this for children.
Home Alone 2-This is not as great as the first part, it has some repititions from the first part and a title which does not suit the story. But, still, why am I reckoning it? Becos, as the first part is great, so the second part can be better. Kevin and his family go to New Jersey for a holiday or somewhere in USA. They board the flight but Kevin gets engaged in something and loses track of his parents in the busy airport. He boards the wrong flight mistaking somebody else as his father and lands up in New York. The story is not as predictable as the 1st part, but the sequel also makes you attached t o the screen. You will enjoy how Keving misuses his fathers credit card in a 5 star hotel. He spends on limos, toys and what else? The wet bandits again try to kidnap him. He again fights them, but in a different way. He also stops them from a stealing a toy shop before christmas. And like the first part, this too ends with Christmas. There will be some moments where you will feel that you are watching a remake of the first part, but hey, listen, the wet bandits are smarter and they know all of Kevins tricks. But, jevin is steps ahead of them and so he also creates new traps and displays a great sense of smartness and also proves that he is the hero of the film.
Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets + Harry Potter and the philosophers stone= This is a film which is liked by most of the teens but children dont dislike it. They enjoy it more, although thinking of it as some other story, but still they like the magical world. You need to see the first part i.e. Philosophers stone be4 you see the second film. The story is really mysterious and I dont want to destroy your fun, I will only tell whats in the beginning. There is a magical world besides this non magical world. harry Potter is a son of a wizard and he also is a wizard therfore. He is famous in the magical world because he survived the curse of the evil wizard-Voldemort. He is invited into the magical world and there he discovers many things which you will come to know when you watch the film. The casting is great. Daneil Radicliffe displays great performance. He works exactly according to the character described in the book. The acting of the whole caste is great. The sets give you a magical feeling and although it cant be true, you feel-there can exist a world like this. The effects are fabulous. The greatest impact of the film is that it makes you a fan of HP and persuades you to wish to be any one of this unique world.
These films are incredible and bring out the childhood in you. They make you feel-how vast can imagination go, how wonderful it is to be a child, how.................. (i am not a philosopher)