I am an avid reader. I read whatever I get my hands on. Be it romance, love stories (my favorite), mystery or even adventure.
Lately, going to bookshops and buying has been a hassle. There are no good bookstores near my house and when I go to the bookstores I like, finding parking space is a problem. So then, next option was the Internet.
I searched the net and came across quite a few online bookstores. The one I particularly liked was one called https://coralhub.co.in. It is a neat store without any garish display of strong colors no banners shouting for your attention.
Just a simple and to-the-point layout and navigation. Searching for books was very easy, but then it is a given in an e-commerce site. But something that really amazed me was this feature to ask for a refund of the difference amount if the book I bought was available on any other website in India at a lower price.
I have been trying hard to see if the book I bought is, indeed, available for a lower price somewhere else, so that I can try the refund feature. After 3 days of trying, I am almost ready to accept the fact that the prices on https://coralhub.com are really the lowest.
Great find, I guess.