Here are some options to shop for books -
CROSSWORD STORES - Many cities in India have crossword stores. These are centrall AC shops having books displayed in an orderly and pleasant manner which makes shopping for books a memorable experience in itself. It also has separate galleries for CDs and DVDs. There are seating arrangements where you can just sit and read a book unobtrusively and no one minds. You can become a member and earn points with every purchase
OXFORD BOOK STORES - This is another chain of bookshops where you can shop for books in a quiet and calm ambience. These shops have a mind boggling variety of fiction and non fictional books of all categories. Some of these stores have a coffee shop attached too.
LOCAL BOOK STORE - Every city worth its salt has a good book shop from where you can get the usual fiction novels and magazines but dont expect the variety that you see with crossword or oxford
ONLINE SHOPPING - There are many good websites which offer online services. You can select a book on their portal and pay online. Many sites offer free shippng too. Some are: