The following is a conversation taken place between Peaceful (yours truly) and Alter-ego (who has been anonymously lurking around MS for sometime reading everyone’s reviews and comments and forming his own opinions about MSians and wants to now formally register himself here)
Peaceful: I’ve completed one year at MS! Wowee, congratulate me
Alter-ego: Hmmm, time flies doesn’t it?
Peaceful: you bet, I just got enough time to write 18 reviews so far
Alter-ego: 18? Hey, that’s really shameful. Just look at karana23. He’s joined the site almost the same time as you – just 3 days earlier and he has completed a century.
Peaceful: Aw, don’t compare me with him. He’s a genius and I’m not.
Alter-ego: and he’s trusted by 165 members and you are by only 14?!!!
Peaceful: Now, now…
Alter-ego: And he has….
Peaceful: shut-up will you….
Alter-ego: (has his mouthshut for a few seconds)…
Peaceful: Look, he writes long and lovely reviews, rates with dedication, comments with passion and networks like crazy. Just read his review on “General Thoughts about Mouthshut” and you’ll see what I mean.
Alter-ego: Oh, so you know his secret, then!
Peaceful: And now with an added n to his name, it will get even better!!!
Alter-ego: Great, so you know more secrets!
Peaceful: So? I don’t aspire to be like him!
Alter-ego: Ah, sour grapes
Peaceful: What was that again?
Alter-ego: Aw, nothing!
Peaceful: His range is absolutely unbelievable. Just read his review on “chants of gayatri” – ooooh! And his music reviews – man, he’s brilliant. And despite the number of reviews and the length of each of them, he maintains the quality. Not one of them is a rush-job, its thoroughly researched and lucidly expressed. I can never have that kind of output, ok?
Alter-ego: Ok, forget karana23. Even a relatively new entrant like Cticize has done far better.
Peaceful: You mean Pras?
Alter-ego: Yeah, as he shatters more keys….he is doing a splendid job
Peaceful: Of course, I’ve put an alert on his reviews. I don’t want to miss any of them.
Alter-ego: He’s already written 24 of them
Peaceful: Yeah, and each of them are unmissable. Just sample the one on “Kahani Ghar Ghar Ki” and the beauty on “Five worst Cricket Commentators”. His style is unique and engaging. I can never write like him.
Alter-ego: What about the women? Surely there are some good ones.
Peaceful: Of course the best of them all – Cousin2.
Alter-ego: Who, the one who writes stock comments which are sometimes hopelessly out of place?
Peaceful: aw. C’mon. She writes comments to encourage new writers like me.
Alter-ego: You are new? Hey, I thought you said you have completed a year on this site, struggling to make a mark.
Peaceful: “New” as in having written just 18 reviews. Lyla is a veteran having written nearly 400 reviews on a variety of topics. She writes with sincerity and dedication. Her reviews are bound to be useful to any reader. She is completely reliable.
Alter-ego: Are you sure?
Peaceful: Sample her review on “” and “Mountain Dew commercial”.
Alter-ego: What is it about her reviews that you like?
Peaceful: They are very straight forward and to-the-point. If you genuinely are looking for an opinion on a product, just go to Lyla’s review. The opinion will be staring in your face – you won’t have to hunt for the relevant lines in a verbose essay.
Alter-ego: So what prevents you from being like her? Your reviews too are straight-forward, as you claim.
Peaceful: (Sounding hurt) As I claim? Why, don’t you think so?
Alter-ego: Never mind. Tell me, even if you don’t write witty reviews, you can still be popular, as Cousin2 has shown.
Peaceful: For that, you need to spend all your time browsing thru MS. I can never do that.
Alter-ego: That’s 1 woman for 2 men!
Peaceful: I’m not playing gender-equality issues here. But if you say so, I would like to mention RJois. Her reviews are really enjoyable and so are her comments.
Alter-ego: Isn’t she one of those movie review writers?
Peaceful: on the contrary. Her repertoire is really varied and her book reviews are some of the best I’ve read on this site – just see the ones on “Parva” and “Gora”. And her humour is carefully woven into the review which makes it very subtle and classy.
Alter-ego: But all this is a bit high-funda stuff
Peaceful: Ok how about the simple stuff then – “Nandini flavored milk”? That’s an interesting review as well.
Alter-ego: Right so RJ is a good role-model for you.
Peaceful: Now, now don’t get carried away. I’d never be able to write reviews like the one she has penned on “Kayar”.
Alter-ego: You are a loser, man! Ok, let’s try some other names.
~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~. continued in comments