I have been around for quite some time and I have read most of your reviews. Here is my first review. I decided to pay tributes to a few female writers here who have done an excellent job writing reviews of course. I chose females because I simply love females. The people that I have reviewed have written reviews which have been highly rated and have been appreciated by many people on this portal.
The order doesnt mean anything. If you have an IQ greater than 2 you would soon realize that I have stuck to alphabetical order. If you havent yet thenBehold! You are going to turn into a rock.
The females I have reviewed are Amrita, Cousin2, Deepshikha, Shalini Srinivasan and Shreya S Wins. If I have missed out anyone it is mostly because I wanted to keep it down to 5. There are of course a lot more like Lavagopal, rjois and Lavanya(See her review on Boys. That is one helluva ripping she gave Shankar). I could write pages about them. But in my first review am going to stick with these.
1) Amrita
She does not like anything in this world. I have never seen her appreciating anything. May God be punished for creating such an imperfect world. I would advice God to be careful when he(she/it) calls this female to heaven because am pretty sure she is going to have a list of problems there as well. No I dont want her to die. Duh! That is sarcasm. Her reviews would make any guy in the corporate world pee in his pants. In most of her reviews she claims that she is being harassed by TimesOfIndia and Bazee.com employees. I dont know how true that is but I find it funny when she mentions that while she is reviewing Bangalore. Looks like it is she who is having nightmares and not the Bazee.com employees. However her reviews are to the point and strongly worded which would put you down to shame if she is targetting you. On a lighter note, if you feel you are being targetted just send her a mail threatening her, like the bazee.com employees did and she would mention you in every review of hers. Simple but effective way to attain stardom. To sum it up, she is a strong critic but I would like her to recommend something good as well rather than criticizing everything. Hats off to her for being strong enough to bring anyone down to her feet. The only other two females who I know are capable of doing this are Mayawati and Jayalalitha
About her picture - SEXY. The photographer must have been a perverted one(look at her photo and you will get what I mean). Her reviews might probably make you think that she is a demon in disguise. But see her face and you will forget everything that she said in her review. Her face reminds you of a not so popular Tamil actress Sridevi(Vijaya Kumars daughter). She looks cute alrite. Add a few more words to your dictionary of unparliamentary words so that both of you can take a dig at Bazee.com and TimesofIndia when on a date. She is bound to be impressed.
2) Cousin2
She has written a lot of reviews and she has been around for a long time. I guess she must have been with mouthshut since the launch of this innovative website. Hats off to her. Her reviews are not really to the point and crisp. She does tend to beat around the bush by adding stuff that is not related to the review. But I do get all the information that I want from most of her reviews though it comes with some unwanted information as well. And one more thing I would like to add is her attempt at trying to rate all the reviews. She infact gives most of the users aVU rating and whenever she sees a new user she leaves a comment welcoming that user. I find that highly appreciable. Being welcomed by a senior member motivates you to do better.
About her picture - It is a distant shot of her and so cant really make out anything from that. She appears to be cute. Do let me know when she changes the picture and I will then add my comments here.
Like Cousin2 she writes on anything she comes across and most of her reviews are recieved with great fanfare. Check out her profile page and you will find close to 20 comments for each of her review. She has a lot of tips to offer you. Be prepared to be her student and you will be the most successful man ever. She could probably try her luck on televison. There is no dearth of shows which offer tips to students on how to be successful in an interview and how to prepare for exams. I would be more than willing to offer her a chance if I owned a television channel. In some of her reviews she kind of gives you an impression of a female who thinks she knows about everything but in reality doesnt. Well try reading a few more reviews and then you would probably think she is just another sweet girl trying to get her voice heard in this male dominated society. She could reduce the length of some of her reviews and give fewer tips. Guys dont like to be given tips lady.
About her picture - CUTE. Flaunting a cute bob cut she reminds me of Krishna in the Premanand Sagar serial when he opened his mouth to show Yashodha the entire universe lying within his mouth. No am just kidding. She looks too cute and as I said before she has the looks and talents(kind of) to be a hostess on all those shows where people tell you what you have to do to become like them. She looks like a person who would be great to be with on a date. A bubbly, enthusiastic character I reckon.
4)Shalini Srinivasan
A voracious reader and a music buff that she appears to be, most of her reviews are on Books and music. Sweet and poetic is what comes to my mind when I think of her reviews. When thinking about Jazz music one thing that wont strike your mind is FEMALES. But welcome to Shalinis world and you are in for a pleasant surprise. Read her reviews and you might think she is a tomboy wannabe or a chik who rides on a motor cycle. That is what I thought of her when I read her reviews. Her reviews are sometimes a bit lengthy and you get lost in the cauldron of never ending list of words that she uses to describe the author of the book or the music album. It gets a bit monotonous. A little effort there would make her reviews almost perfect. Hats off to her for all the reasons I mentioned above.
About her picture - She doesnt have one in her profile yet but from her reviews I can somehow guess that she would look as sweet as her reviews are.
5) Shreya S Wins
Though she just joined Mouthshut each of her 4 reviews managed to bag around 16 comments on an average. That is something. Not many users have started off as well as her. Her reviews are simple and to the point. She has a way with words and puts them to effective use unlike some people here who flaunt their GRE skills making it difficult for most of the people to understand what they are trying to convey. She does think that her opinion is alone right and that no one else should have a different opinion. Though she has a strong opinions about certain issues(which girls down south that I met rarely do), she tries hard to convince others that she is right. I agree with some of her views and disagree with most. But hats off to her for her simple and effective way of writing and for being bold enough to make her presence felt. She also makes sure that people dont get bored while reading her reviews. That is important while reviewing movies especially, which is what she usually does. Havent yet seen her writing about anything other than movies.
About her picture - BEAUTIFUL.She gives you an impression of a female who lives in a world of her own and prefers peace over anything else. On the whole a cute, attractive female who is going to give any guy a tough time when on a date with her. Be prepared to argue with her and also have your vi