I might be branded a attention seeker aka the thebiggeststar But I have nothing against reviewers like mouthshutdotcom, ProfMohanty and nikamma, Their reviews are fun and interesting to read. But he did mention a couple more which I have to admit have the traits of a average writer.
Anyways, best is more of a relative term now. No, I did not flunk english but now you have good, gooder, goodest, worse, worser, worsest and mostestly importantly best, bester and bestest. So, this is more of a review on the well known characters that I have noticed a little bit of goodica, a little bit of badshah and with a tinge of badhsoorti. I dint know where to put it, I mean in the worst or the best writers. Mouth shut doesnt have a category on the most popular writers, you see. Dont put too much thought into it. These are just my 2-paisa contributions.
Koshish : She writes with her heart, I can understand. I just wished she used her head more often. Dont take offence Bhoomi, I am just being a honest critic. Writing reviews is more than just carrying on a conversation. Exclamations like Hai Rabba are okay when you jump in real life, but respect the language a little bit more. She has the qualities to be a good writer, but then tends to bring in that rustic touch which can be jarring at times. And the formatting with zillions of bold words are not too pleasant on the eye. The language she uses maybe suited for a road side chai at the local khokha. Try to be more classy when you write reviews. Well, I know my language is as bad as it gets, but you dont look upto Maninder Singh if you want to learn to bat.
She writes with her heart...you feel like she is sitting next to you jumping around and actually giving you a first hand opinion, in that sense she can be good..par no more of that hai rabba stuff. That one kills me.
Koshishs criteria for BEST : Warmth and passion
Lyla : Starwriter? Okay, be honest. Anyone who has read her reviews know what stuff they are made up of. Dont castigate me for this. A couple of statistics here and there and a few details and presto you have a review. I dont mean to be so mean, but dont they appear to be dull and too matter of fact, which may be a good thing. But reading her reviews are kinda boring. They lack the zest , too woody or even spastic if I may dare to call them. Motionless, you dont even think about what she has written there. Well, nice but put more life into your reviews rather than being matter of fact. Boring is what I would term her reviews. Chill yaar, dont kill me with your hatred in the comments. I am jsut speaking out what I think.
Great facts and reliable figures. You may not enjoy them but they are useful nonetheless
Lylas criteria for BEST : Reliability and usefulness
Imran : Proud to be an American...erm Pakistani. I have nothing against Pakistan. They all are my brothers. (Refrains from the sister part, Paki women are hot). Moroever people like mouthshutdotcom are Pakis and they do deserve to be starwriters. But this chap, whoever he is claims that he is the best person in the world to evaluate India. Get a grip my friend, we may not be the best in the world but we are leagues ahead of you guys. (Not a general comment..pun unintended). I am glad his account has been flagged.
Some of his points were valid, though maybe finding them would be analogous to finding a honest politician in India
Imrans criteria for BEST : Hes got the best underdeveloped brain on the planet
Kamini : Imran and Kamini are perfect examples of Indi-Paki Bhai-Biwi. She keeps hooting for him, pata nahin kya gul khilaye hai usne . She has utter disregard for language and is the most wretched character on this portal. These kind should be banned on day one. She has the most irritating profile I have ever come across. She keeps talking about her beauty but her reviews stink of filth. Why is she even here?
Pretty darn hard to ignore the babe. Tough to admit it, but I lust for her. But on second thought She and her reviews still Stink !!!!
Kaminis criteria for BEST : Stirs up a nest each time, too cute to hate. Someone who is best with her mouthshut!!!
Karana23 : Okay, he is a great writer, I really enjoyed reading some of his reviews. He doesnt deserve to be here. But, wait. Some wise man once told me that if you can use a word that everyone can understand as opposed to the one which many dont, then embrace the former. He uses some sentences creatively but most of the time, his reviews do have gramatical errors (trust me) and these are overlooked just because 90% of the people here dont understand what those words mean. People refrain ratng his reviews NU, just to stop being looked upon as stupid. Cmon yaar, why this dhaandle-baazi. Too much of high funda stuff, some of it even wrong.
You learn to use the dictionary in case you missed to do that in school. It is nice the way he is flexible enough to vary his writing skills with ease.
Karans criteria for BEST : Dictionary.com, Flexibility
Thats all I have to say. Nothing personal. I dont hate any of these people except the Bhai-Biwi pair. The other do come up with good reviews also, but someone needs to tell them that they can go overboard. If I have offended the three star writers here, I am really sorry. I just hope you take it in the right spirit.
Others who deserve to be good writers, the names whom I can think of are Premjit, Citicize (Pras), Spookay, Rjois, Amrita (not all the time), balagi (Damo), Meleahk1, Nikamma , /b>(though his attempts at humour seem so wasted at times) , mariner, suyog, deepshikha, etc. *