Curiosity(actually a mail from Jasmine) brought me to Mouthshut. I must confess that at first reading others reviews didnt seem as important as my own reviews being read, but long after the novelty and initial thrill faded, it was other peoples reviews that kept me coming back. This is what my 49th is about. There is no mystery here, just a list of names, (presented in no particular order of preference) I hope this will help readers look beyond their immediate reader/writer circles. Many of these writers fit in more than one of the categories I mentioned; my list is divided the way it is purely for simplicitys sake.
There are too many people in MS whose reviews I enjoy for me to pick just 5, so Ive put my favourite writers into 5 different categories. Of course this list is not a definitive one, and Im sure I will be coming back here to add more names.
The Critics - There are some writers in MS who write great movie, music and book reviews. What makes the work of this group as good as it is is that not only do they have a wide knowledge of their subject, they are also passionate about it, and have whatI consider good taste(who ever said readers should not be biased is living on another planet!)
Movie Zombie - I challenge any MS reader to tell me they havent read MovieZombies work. Her reviews are keenly analysed, she is passionate about good cinema, and she watches practically all the new releases, so you can depend on her to give you the good bad and ugly of not only the oldies, but current films too. Also, thankfully, you wont find rabid rants and raves in her work. I used to depend on Rotten Tomatoes for English movie reviews earlier, now I read MZ first.
Patenik2 - Nik deserves a category to himself! Hes got the most amazing collection of world cinema and Indian cinema reviews to his credit. This man has an insatiable appetite for the reel world.
Sheermelody - If Sheermelody comes up with a list of Top 20 songs, I will find myself agreeing with most of his choices, or humming along to a large percentage of them. Of course it doesnt hurt that his work is very well presented too.
Whitedevil - This is another writer who is passionate about movies. His is a unique perspective, he asks disturbing questions, and he writes so beautifully he makes you want to inhibit that space in his head that he reserves for watching films.
Sureshmehcint - Not too many people in MS write about Tamil films and music, and nobody else writes about them as well as Suresh does.
The Treasures - These writers have a mindboggling range of reviews between them, and I read their work for different reasons- Some because I like them, some because I agree with them(again the bias kicks in), some because I wished I could write like them, some because they present their views so objectively with none of the ranting and raving I am so prone to doing, and some because with their ranting and raving grab my attention and keep it. Some of these writers have a tongue in cheek or whacky or downright dirty sense of humour. The work of The Treasures always leaves my day a little brighter. Put their names on your alert list - now.
megs4u - bold, confident, fun
karthikkhonest, a passionate supporter of the underdog, and very sharp observer. His comments are the best
shyamnambiarcharming, informative and painstaking work
sndaya is dayopaedia a word? his reviews are so detailed and full of information, it certainly should be
zuludancing a unique sense of humour, very evident in his work; wish I could understand more hindi to appreciate it fully
g-raptor if it moves on wheels, this man knows something about it, and presents his viewpoint in a fun way
walking_dude- I dont have adequate words to describe his work - you might disagree with his opinion, but you will get hooked
mbfarookh pity hes disappeared from MS, but his reviews are always worth reading
indian1969- the conscience keeper of MS
jodihayes excellent book and movie reviews
flying elephant, sudipto33, the_reviewerpart of the bold new breed of rising stars who write fun and informative reviews
diversimple, uncomplicated reviews peppered with a touch of humour. This man, btw, is a gaming whiz
anuj bhatnagar22 who has written excellent reviews in practically every category in MS
sumit_only - a book lover who ferrets out the rare gems
itikasharma - honest, heartfelt writing
mariner2 - the eternal adventurer; outstanding travel writing
envyram - fun reviews, esp his take on living in india vs living abroad
paulose calls himself the aam admi, but I disagree - the average Indian is not known for his sense of humour - paulose is
rohitthebest a prolific writer with varied interests, always has a funny story to get you smiling
jaideepkhanduja- well researched informative reviews
amrita - stirs up passions like nobody else on this site
amorfati - sharp witted
tech writer - dont buy self-help books, just read her review
chand tare - fun and always interesting
visgarg, laikar, ajayan, asyis, twinkletoes, thakurman, blue rain, loonymoon, sk01, riziculous, arundhati90, cool_breeze and many more whose writing is definitely worth reading.
The I Wish They Would Write More Reviewers
pri20 - pri20s work is down to earth, humourous, beautifully written, detailed, interesting, and has that dash of humour that sets it many levels above good.
akisha - In the space of cluttered ideas, and prose deliberately crafted to grab attention, akishas simple, clear, reviews come as a breath of fresh air. She has this wonderful ability to say in few words what people struggle to say in whole reviews.
gunzi - another of those hidden treasures who disappear in the flood of uninspired prose MS throws up all the time. Warm, funny, and very readable.
girlnexstore - this is the writing of a woman of eclectic tastes, who has been there, done that, written about it too, has a sharp wit and pen, and yet retains a warmth that softens her writing and makes it thoroughly enjoyable.
lazy - If I were a man, I would have m2mmed lazy and suggested we meet up for a beer sometime- Reading his work is like chatting with an old friend.
pri20 and akisha dont write enough to satisfy my greedy mind, and the other three dont write anymore - MSs loss definitely.